How much margin do you have in your life? Two areas this is most obvious: time and money. Are you overwhelmed with obligations and dropping balls because you just don’t have enough hours in the day? Or, are you falling deeper into debt every month as expenses outpace income? Lotta factors can keep us from having adequate margin, some are beyond our control. Maybe your money deficit is due to unexpected health expenses or a surprise repair bill. Perhaps your unrelenting boss has been forcing you to put in more hours at work. For me, most of my margin wounds have been self-inflicted. I wasn’t financially disciplined, then I found myself under loads of credit card debt. Or, I’d said “yes” way too much, and discovered I simply couldn’t get it all done. I let people down (regularly). Dad, if you find yourself with no margin, consider hammering out a plan for reclaiming it. Then, invite someone to hold you accountable to the plan. Notice how Joseph handled this. He knew there would be seven years of famine, so, during the fat years, he suggested they set aside one-fifth of their food (Gen 41:25-36). Why not one-seventh? Margin, that’s why.


Gentleness in the Bible: Lessons every dad can teach his kids: Our kids aren’t perfect. Aren’t’ even close. But neither are we. Understanding this fully will help us use a more gentle touch as we instruct and correct them.


Being a father is hard work. You need the right tools. We dads often think that being a leader in the typical sense is good enough: food is on the table, the kids have clothes, and we take Sunday trips to the church where we learn about God. However, as Nehemiah teaches us, the idea of simply being a “leader” at home isn’t enough. We must be the spiritual leaders that guide and guard our children. When we take that step to lead and be involved in our family’s spiritual development, we’re literally filling the role that God called us to serve (Ephesians 6:4).


“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

“I’m planning to be here forever, but I know at some point I’ll probably have to give it up. If you live to 100, there’s a very good chance you’ll live forever. Because very few people die after 100.” – S. Truett Cathy

“By Failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin


Find margin. Where do you need more margin? I don’t meet many men who have too much margin. Oh there are some. Guys who made it financially and now spend their days frittering their time away in meaningless pursuits. But, most men I meet have far too little margin. If you’re one of these men, don’t be sad – be tenacious. Make a change. Chart a future with more margin in it. This will enable you to respond to requests as they come in. That guy who needs a friend? That project or investment you wish to fund? Margin makes responding to these opportunities possible.

Kent Evans
Author of The Manhood Journey, co-founder of Manhood Journey and Father On Purpose.

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