We created the Father On Purpose Podcast to have real, fun, and practical conversations about being dads. Fatherhood is awesome, sacred, and hard all at the same time.

The truth is, none of us gets through this life without some scars. Whether our struggles are physical, emotional, or spiritual, we will experience adversity, and we will have to choose how to respond to these dark moments of life. Pastor Darren Walter understands the reality of adversity. He's been there and done that. Most important, he has come through on the other side. And his insights will encourage you to stand strong during your own storms of life.

Father On Purpose Podcast Podcast

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Meet the Hosts

Kent Evans is the Executive Director and co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that helps dads become disciple-makers. After twenty-year career as a business leader, he embarked on biblical Fatherhood ministry projects. He’s appeared on television, radio, web outlets and podcasts. He’s spoken at parenting and men’s events. He’s authored two books. The first, Wise Guys: Unlocking Hidden Wisdom from the Men Around You, was written to help men learn how to find mentors and wise counsel. The second, The Manhood Journey: Charting a Course to Biblical Fatherhood, aims to help dads not be good or great dads, but be godly ones. Kent’s life has been radically affected by godly mentors and his lovely wife, April. They have been married twenty-six years and have five sons and one daughter-in-law. He lives in Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

Lawson Brown is husband to his high school sweetheart, a father of two young adult daughters, has been a business leader since 1995, and is a former Marine. He served as a small group leader for teenage boys for many years, helped start the Christian media ministry City on a Hill Productions, then later Sanctuary – a new church in Kennesaw, GA – where he served as its leader for Men’s Ministry. Lawson’s journey of faith has always been centered in a grounding from his wife, Audrey, and supported throughout by many men who he’s found as brothers along the way. His family is nearing an empty nest phase and has recently relocated to the Florida Gulf Coast beaches area.


Gary Chapman

Ken Blanchard

Chip Ingram

“I listen to the father on purpose podcast and you guys are amazing. Thank you for all you guys do and please keep it up. Us Fathers need this NOW more than ever.”

–Joel C.

“Thank you for the effort and time you put into leading us dads toward the Kingdom of God. I have learned and put to use so much by listening to the podcast.”

–Cole S.

Share your fatherhood story
with us

Being a dad is challenging, and we can learn from each other. Share with us one key challenge you’re working through or offer a fatherhood tip. Just click START RECORDING and send us your silky smooth voice message (you’ll have 4 minutes). We might even feature yours on the show!


For many years, the names of Alex and Stephen Kendrick have been synonymous with powerful faith-based movies that challenge men to live out their faith as husbands and fathers. Their newest offering, The Forge, places the focus squarely on our roles as mentors. With generations of young men seeking direction and affirmation, the need for godly men to stand in the gap has never been more important. This introduction to The Forge can put you on the path to becoming the mentor some young man in your life needs most.

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When it comes to the Trinity, most of us can understand the Father, and we're pretty plugged into the Son. But the Holy Spirit can be more of a mystery to us. In reality, we need to dig into the role and work of the Holy Spirit because He is the One who empowers us and gives us the wisdom to meet the challenges we face each day as husbands and fathers. So, grab a pen and your journal as we take a quick look at what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit—and the difference He can make in our lives as men.

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In the Great Commission, Jesus told His followers to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). That imperative, along with many others in Scripture, highlights our responsibility to point others to Jesus and to pour into their lives as men of God. All of your wins, losses, triumphs, and failures are useful tools you can add to your spiritual survival kit. And they just might qualify you to be the perfect guide for another man who's now walking where you've already been.

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What’s Your Mission as a Dad?

Being a godly dad is hard work. Challenges abound, and sometimes, we just need some ideas, encouragement, and a little laughter along the way. So, we created the Father On Purpose Podcast to have real, fun, and practical conversations about being dads. Fatherhood is awesome, sacred, and hard all at the same time. We don’t have all the answers, but together as dads, we’ll try to figure it out.