Culture isn’t talking about biblical manhood. But, we are here at Manhood Journey. We talk with a lot of you in person, by phone, through email and social media. One thing I’ve realized is your experience with Manhood Journey (MJ) colors your perspective of what we actually do as a ministry.


For example, if you attended our overnight father-son retreat back in May, then you think all we do is father-son camps. After several discussions with well-meaning folks like yourself, most often I hear from you: “So, what is Manhood Journey and where do I start?”


Great question. Glad you asked. Let me tell you what Manhood Journey is (which will hopefully prove a good reminder for some) and how you can get started intentionally leading yourself, your son and maybe even a group of dads and sons.


Most of what we write and say at MJ applies to everyone. That said, we’re pretty clear. We know the crisis in the world is father absence and “good fathers” who may be present at home but don’t understand biblical manhood and biblical fatherhood enough to be intentional.


What is Manhood Journey?

We’re aimed at this target: helping men be intentional husbands and fathers so we raise the next generation of godly men. This is our whyYes, we have hosted events like Fight Night, Father On Purpose and overnight retreats like Project: MANHOOD. But, at our core, we’re a ministry aimed at helping you intentionally disciple your son through Bible studies—by either you leading your son 1 on 1 or by you leading a group of fathers and sons.


Where do I start?

1. Know the problem of biblical manhood.

If you get nothing from MJ, we want you to understand the problem and the solution lies with us dads.  We’re talking to you, dad, the busy guy in the home who’s doing good things. Maybe you’re doing great things with your family.

Our big goal is that you do godly things. We want you to wake up aware of how vital you are and then encourage and challenge you to serve your family. We think you can lead more intentionally and we can help you. We wrote the State of Biblical Fatherhood after hearing so many dads tell us their biggest struggle.

2. Be the solution to biblical manhood> Lead your son or lead a group

After you’ve read Identify and Destroy. We trust you understand the problem and are ready to start where you are—in your home—with your son or with a group of dads and sons.


For each Bible study, we have 1 on 1 Guides and Group Guides. Group Guides include activities and additional questions designed with a group of fathers and sons in mind.

Embarking_1on1 (small).png


Embarking > Start here. We can help you know what to say and when to say it to your son. We recommend you grab the sample of Embarking 1 on 1 and Embarking Group to get a feel for what we’re about. 




Now, if you and your son have completed Embarking. We have the following topics—in 1 on 1 format and group format—you’ll find helpful to walk through. You don’t have to do these studies in any particular order. Go with what your son needs at the time he needs it.


1) Biblical manhood > ManhoodMyths_1on1-2-1.png

Do you know the four Manhood Myths? You and your son are bombarded with lies from every angle. This guide helps you discuss four lies to which men fall prey.


>> Grab Manhood Myths 1 on 1 or Manhood Myths Group.


1on1-Leading-Lessons-1.jpg2) Leadership >

This guide explores biblical leadership. Leadership that serves others, loves others and puts their needs above our own.


>> Grab Leading Lessons 1 on 1 or grab Leading Lessons Group. 



1on1-Working-Well-1.jpg3) Work and responsibility > 

Working Well explores God’s design for careers, responsibility and productivity. This guide helps discuss how school and chores are your son’s current job.


>> Grab Working Well 1 on 1 or Working Well Group.


1on1-Standing Strong-1.jpg4) Facing temptation >

This life throws a lot at men – from pride to temptation to chasing significance through our careers. This guide helps arm your son and build a personalized battle plan.


>> Grab Standing Strong 1 on 1 or Standing Strong Group.


1on1-Clean-Hearts-1.jpg5) Purity in all areas of life >

Men are uniquely challenged in the area of purity–and not just related to sexual temptation. They need to be kept pure from greed, selfishness and other destructive patterns.


>> Grab Clean Hearts 1 on 1 or Clean Hearts Group.


6) Money and stewardship > 

Jesus talked more about money than He did heaven and hell, combined. Money is a critical issue for men to master. Money can be a powerful tool used for God’s glory or a destructive idol that tears us down.

Grab Kingdom Treasure. (Note: This study is only available as a Group Guide.)



I hope by now you see what Manhood Journey is and where you can get started. My advice? Start with where your son is. What’s the biggest challenge your son is facing right now? Start the conversation there and as you have questions, email or tweet @ManhoodJourney.