Nothing creates a friend like a common enemy. When I was in high school, each year had a key week on the calendar. Over just one weekend, we played our cross-town rival in three sports back-to-back. The whole school was focused on these often hotly contested matches (the football game alone has frequently drawn 25,000+ fans!). An interesting thing happened. For one week, almost all cliques and social barriers evaporated. There were no rich and poor, black and white, preppy and grungy, smart and um, less-smart. There were just students. That was no week for division – that was a week for unity. As Jesus was taken captive, an unlikely bond formed between Herod and Pilate. They’d previously hated each other, but in this moment – when they found themselves unified against a common enemy – they became friends. “And Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that very day…” (Luke‬ ‭23:12‬) The lesson for us dads in this is simple. We are at war, but the enemy is NOT the people living in our homes. It’s not “those people” on the other side of the political aisle either. It’s Satan. If we can remember that, we’ll create far fewer (of the wrong kinds of) battles within our communities and families.


10 Father’s Day gift ideas dad will love: Most dads have a taste for the classics. They also tend to have a taste for coffee. The Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker will give him the best of both. It will also provide him with a coffeeshop quality cup right in his own kitchen.


Dr. Ken Blanchard on how dads can overcome mistakes and lead faithfully: With over 60 published books and more than 20 million copies sold, Dr. Ken Blanchard needs no introduction. Coming off the release of “The Mulligan,” a movie based on his book “The Mulligan,” Dr. Blanchard talks about how important it is for dads to lead like Jesus and rely on Him for a mulligan in life when they need it. Dads need to know they always have another chance with the Lord on their side. So, why should we dads go through life trying to figure everything out by ourselves when we’ve got the ultimate partner in the Lord? All we have to do is ask God for help and let Him show us the way.


“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” Helen Keller

“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” Thomas Aquinas

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


Identify the enemy. So, you have that rebellious teenager? Recognize that who you’re actually at war with is the temper who’s coaxing her to rebel. That super critical wife? See that she’s probably hurting and under attack herself, causing her to lash out. That demanding boss? Look beyond his confident demeanor, and see someone who’s being tempted to find his value in his job, so your productivity cuts to the very heart of his identity. These aren’t your enemies. The one tempting them to trust in anything but God is your enemy. Yet, greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world!

Kent Evans
Author of The Manhood Journey, co-founder of Manhood Journey and Father On Purpose.

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