Remember your final grades in a class in school? You might’ve gotten B’s on your homework, C’s on a couple tests and an A or two in class participation. At the end of the class, those were summed up based on the teacher’s scoring system into one grade for the class. In some ways, there is one thing that we as dads (and believers, in general) do which represents the combined score of how we’re doing in our Christian walk. How well do we love? Our pastor said it this way recently, “How I love other people tells me the most about my spiritual maturity.” Jesus said, in John 13 that the world would know we are His disciples by our love for one another. It’s the sum total of an inward walk with Him: an outward love for others. So, dad, how are you doing at loving people these days? Maybe there’s a quiz or homework assignment you need to double back and retake?


“Righteous Anger”? What the Bible tells us about rage: While there is such thing as righteous anger, you and I probably never have it. We are more consumed with plain ole anger. Our best bet is to try and eliminate all anger. Better to be a man of self-control than anger (Proverbs 16:32).


The Godly dad loves those under his care: The life of Nehemiah can be tied to fatherhood in several ways. One is the opportunities we take to show love to our families. Nehemiah was always concerned with how others were progressing through life. Are we having intentional conversations and making sure everything is ok with our kids (even if they’re out of the home)? Do we ask them for ways we can pray for them? As dads, we need to be present and diligent with our kids. It is time we will long for when it’s gone but can never get back.


“That is the kind of love that impels people to go into the community and try to change conditions for others, to take risks for what they believe in.” – Coretta Scott King

“Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson

“Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones

“Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.” – Thomas Aquinas


How you love others. This week, take a look at your life through the lens of love. Consider your wife, kids, coworkers, pastor, friends and even that other volunteer on the church committee who is extremely hard to love. Would someone walk up to you and say, “Man, I see how much you love those around you. You must be a Christian, right?” If not, let’s pray set our minds and hearts on loving others better.

Kent Evans
Author of The Manhood Journey, co-founder of Manhood Journey and Father On Purpose.

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P.S. Want to see how you’re doing as a dad? Take the Godly Father Assessment.


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