Counterfeit cash seems real. But the trained eye can spot the difference. False teaching’s the same. It’s dressed like faithful teaching, but it’s worthless. Like a banker can spot a fake $100 bill, you must spot false teaching. You detect the counterfeit by spending time with the real thing. With cash, you study paper texture, image clarity, and ink hue. Know the real thing so well the fake stands out. Heretics in Paul’s day would say you needed #1 More rules: live by more rules and you’re more spiritual. Seems legit but holds no real power. Paul called this, “a shadow of the things to come…” because “the substance belongs to Christ” (Col. 2:17). #2 More knowledge: Paul faced guys who taught that real spirituality was in higher/secret knowledge. Sing it with me: “I don’t wanna be a Pharisee, ‘cuz they’re not fair you see-e-ee…” Paul said, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition…and not according to Christ” (Col. 2:8). In Jesus, and only in Him, do we find true wisdom. #3 More experiences: Worship angels? Ok, heretic! Paul said, “Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind” (2:18). Visions usually point back to the guy describing the visions. If Jesus isn’t the focus, it’s fake.


HOW TO FIND A MENTOR AND UNLOCK WISDOM: Life can seem like a minefield of mistakes just waiting to be made. But we don’t have to make them all. Mentors help guide us along the journey, and finding the right one may not be as hard as you think. We’ve got 4 moves you can make to find a great mentor.


ANCIENT ADVICE FOR THE MODERN MAN: The apostle Paul knew that the Christian life revolved around two important principles: prayer and praise. So, early on in his letter to the Colossians, he urged his friends to continue their conversations with Jesus and to never forget why He is worthy of all honor. Things haven’t changed much. As guys living for God in the 21st century, Paul’s insights are still words we can live by. If we want to grow into the husbands and fathers God created us to be, we’ve got to make the truths of Colossians 1 a huge part of who we are. Even after more than 2,000 years, prayer and praise are still the keys to a strong faith and a strong family.


“Anything can serve as a counterfeit god, especially the very best things in life.” —Tim Keller

“False teaching is often revealed in false living…following bad doctrine leads to bad practices.” —Douglas Moo

“False teachers invite people to come to the Master’s table because of what’s on it, not because they love the Master.” —Hank Hanegraaff

“We have somehow got hold of the idea that error is only that which is outrageously wrong; and we do not seem to understand that the most dangerous person of all is the one who does not emphasize the right things.” —Martyn Lloyd-Jones


Real or fake? The real believer works. The fake believer talks. Wanna spot a fake? They talk about rulesknowledge, and experiences more than Jesus. Jesus qualified/delivered/transferred you (1:9-14). You don’t qualify yourself through more rules, more knowledge, and more experiences. You rest in Jesus. Don’t be led astray. Fakes always seem like the real thing. Ask yourself: How might I overvalue rules? Am I attending events/services for more experiences rather than experiencing God through personal devotion? Am I reading another Christian best-seller so I can sound smart? Know God and His Word so well you compare everything else to Him. 

Kent Evans

Kent Evans
Author of Bring Your Hammer, co-founder of Manhood Journey

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