We recently interviewed Scott MacLellan, author of The Ancient Ladder, for the Father On Purpose Podcast. Scott explained how our faith journey should include our mind/heart/soul. Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Matt. 22:37). Your love for God should include all of you. #1 All your mind… (Matt. 22:37). At work, you’re the guy known for fixing things. So you come home and try to fix your wife and kids. How can you get out of fix-it mode? Recognize your own behavior. Seek to care more about your kid’s character than the scoreboard. Lay your thoughts down and give them to God. Seek His mind from His Word. #2 All your heart… (Matt. 22:37). Most guys stop at the heart level. You work and may even get better, but you can’t get better enough. Most find this step so difficult you get discouraged and give up. If this is you, pray. Ask God for help in understanding you can’t work hard enough to get God’s grace. #3 All your soul… (Matt. 22:37). Do you love God with your entire life? Is the faith you say you have seen in your work/family/life? If your entire life is given to God, your life will reveal passion/enthusiasm/joy that is not found in this world. Receive God’s love, receive what He says about you, then give that to those around you.


10 EXAMPLES OF GODLY CHARACTER IN THE BIBLE: Actions may speak louder than words, but our actions are determined by who we are on the inside. That’s a matter of character; and, as godly men, we are called to develop God’s character in our own lives. One way to understand and apply principles of godly character is to examine the lives of men who walked with God in the Scriptures. The Bible is a great source of information on guys who did things the right way—and how we can imitate their godly character each day.


THE REWARDS OF BEING ROOTED: The Bible says that we can learn a lot about God and His expectations for us if we just look at nature around us. One great illustration of that truth comes from the way the roots of some trees intertwine. Because those roots are deeply connected, the trees can stand firm and secure for decades—or even centuries. For our lives, that powerful connection comes from being rooted in God’s Word. If you’re wanting to grow into the man God has designed you to be, you’ve got to be grounded in the truths of the Scriptures and embrace the benefits that the Bible can produce in your life.


“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” —Albert Schweitzer.

“If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you are free.” —Dwight L. Moody.

“Man, so long as he remains free, has no more constant and agonizing anxiety than to find as quickly as possible someone to worship.” —Fyodor Dostoevsky.

“Christian freedom does not mean being free to do as we like; it means being free to do as we ought.” —William Barclay.


Changing Dad. As dad goes, so goes the family. Sadly, Satan begs you to separate from God. When you realize you’re in a battle, you don’t retreat, you hold on and dig in. Recognize the battle you’re in as a dad—to be in His Word daily. The fight is here. Satan wants to be your dad every single moment. Don’t wait until you’re scared, worried, or wallowing in the dark. Start 2024 in God’s Word. Find its protection, freedom, and life. Then live out these changes at home with your wife and kids. *These are only three of seven ways Scripture changes you. We’ll discuss four more ways next week. 

Kent Evans

Kent Evans
Author of Bring Your Hammer, co-founder of Manhood Journey

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