You’ve probably heard it said that kids come without an owner’s manual. Well, that’s not completely true. As a follower of Christ, God has provided a wealth of effective Christian parenting strategies in His Word. He’s also given you great resources like friends and family members who can walk alongside you in your journey toward raising godly children.

The truth is, parenting is a calling from God on your life, just like any profession you might choose. In fact, it’s a higher calling because it has eternal implications. So, you just can’t wander into parenting and hope it all works out all right. You need a plan, a Bible-based strategy for building a Christian family.

Why Godly Homes Matter

Godly homes matter to God. From the earliest chapters of the Bible, we see Him instituting marriage and family. He brought Eve to Adam (Genesis 2:18-25). And, along with stewarding His creation well, He commanded them to “be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28). He said the same thing to Noah’s family after the flood (Genesis 9:1). 

What’s more, raising godly children represents a foundational element for spreading God’s truth to the world (Deuteronomy 6; Psalm 78). In building His kingdom, effective Christian parenting is a load-bearing wall, as one generation teaches the next generation what it means to be God’s people. 

Our role as Christian parents is invaluable, and God will hold us accountable for teaching our kids His truth. So, faith-based parenting advice that equips us to build godly homes is vital. It’s what keeps us in the “family game” when the world would rather knock us to the sideline.

What You Can Do

I played a lot of sports growing up. I wasn’t particularly good at any of them, but I did have fun. And I learned the importance of having a gameplan. 

Solid gameplans begin by evaluating your strengths and weaknesses honestly. In fact, some coaches don’t spend much time on the other team at all. They focus their energy on enhancing what their teams do well and strengthening their deficiencies.  

Building Christian homes and raising godly kids takes intentional effort and planning. It requires a strategy based on effective Christian parenting tips from the Bible. This is God’s plan, but it doesn’t happen by magic or by accident.

The list below includes seven pieces of faith-based parenting advice. These are Christian parenting tips for building a godly home. They can become the cornerstone in your strategy for establishing a Christian family that honors God and makes a difference for His kingdom for generations to come.

Work with your spouse

While raising godly children is the goal, marriage serves as the foundation for every godly family. A solid relationship with your spouse is the glue that holds it all together. So, work together in creating your strategy. You’ll have to work through some sticking points, but finding common ground lets you present a united front.

Even if you’re a single parent, you can’t go it alone. You need to treat your former spouse as a teammate in faith-based parenting.

Make time for spiritual conversations

Recently, my wife and I reverted to our childhood and started watching “The Waltons,” a family-based show that was popular in the 1970s. One of my favorite parts of the show is when the Walton clan gathers around the dinner table. Those conversations are priceless.

As a Christian parent, you need to make space for spiritual conversations in your family. This involves the informal “teachable moments” that happen around the kitchen table or in the car. It also includes taking intentional time for family devotions and Bible studies. As you’re thinking through effective Christian parenting tips, keeping that line of communication open has to be part of the plan.

Connect with others

The Christian life is a team sport. God didn’t create any of us to go it alone. In fact, in all of His creative work, the one thing He identified as “not good” was human isolation (Genesis 2:18).

So, it makes sense to build a network of friends and family who can provide support and encouragement. And you can do the same for them, offering faith-based parenting advice as appropriate. One added benefit is that your adult relationships also can help your kids. Your trustworthy friends can become their trustworthy mentors.

Set boundaries

One key to raising godly children is to establish discipline in your home. It’s not the fun part of the job, but it’s vital. Plus, we reflect God’s character when we clearly set limits based on love and what’s best for our kids (Hebrews 12:11).

While they might resist and complain, kids actually find security and peace within boundaries. They want to know what defines “crossing the line” and the consequences that come with it. You also can work with them to determine the family rules for your house—and adjust them as your kids grow older and demonstrate more responsibility.

Provide unconditional love

Of all the effective Christian parenting strategies you might come across, few will mean more to your kids than this one. As mentioned, you’ll face times when rules are broken and discipline is required. But, even in those hard moments, respond in love. Assure your children that while you might be disappointed in the moment, your love for them is steadfast and sure. Never let them wonder if you’ve got their back.

Be an example

As you focus on raising godly kids, provide a godly example for them to follow. Let your children catch you doing the right thing as often as possible, like reading the Bible and praying. That will make a huge impact on their lives and their faith.

You also can strengthen your home by what you do outside your four walls. Show your kids that church matters by taking them instead of sending them. Teach them to be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving others and by using your spiritual gifts. If you want them to become men and women of God, give them a template to follow, an example worth imitating each day.

Cover everything in prayer

I’ve heard it said that nothing of eternal consequence happens apart from prayer. So, if you believe that finding and applying godly parenting advice is significant, you’ve got to cover it with prayer. All the effective Christian parenting strategies in the world can’t hold a candle to bringing your concerns to God and allowing His peace to overwhelm your life (Philippians 4:6-7).

While that involves praying for your family, you also need to stay connected to your heavenly Father for personal reasons. Being a dad can be hard and confusing. You need His wisdom to create your strategy, engage your strategy, and maintain your strategy. Raising godly kids is a lifelong process, and He will walk with you every step of the way.

Launching Our Kids

In the Psalms, Solomon wrote that children are a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). He also compared them to arrows that we launch into the world (Psalm 127:4-5). Arrows only fly straight if they are built with care and attention to detail. The same is true in parenting. 

The end goal of raising godly children is to launch solid, godly adults into the world for God’s glory. Without that firm foundation in their lives, they won’t be able to withstand the pressures of the “real world” or extend their legacy of faith to future generations. What you do now matters.

Proverbs 22:6 urges parents to “start a youth out on his way; even when he grows old he will not depart from it.” The Hebrew wording suggests helping them see how God has wired them and teaching them how to serve Him through their strengths. By creating a parenting strategy that nurtures a Christian home, you’re giving your children an incredible gift—a gift that will give them peace and joy in this life and prepare them for the next.