As a teenager, I came across a Bible verse about being a man of integrity that has stuck with me: “I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous abandoned or his children begging for bread” (Psalm 37:25). This psalm is credited to King David, a guy who had seen a lot during his lifetime. But one thing he had never seen was God turning His back on a man of integrity.

What really caught my eye, though, was the last part. While God blesses men of integrity, He also watches over their families. Their kids never beg for bread. I had watched my own father strive to live with integrity and faith for as long as I could remember. And I realized that God had met our family’s needs. 

So, right then and there, I determined that was what I wanted for my life and my family in the future. I wanted to be a man of integrity—for my own sake and for the sake of my future wife and kids. 

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“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.”

Proverbs 11:3

Building a foundation of integrity

Our English word for “integrity” comes from the Latin word “integer,” which means to be whole or intact. That’s the word math students use when referring to numbers that aren’t fractions or mixed numerals. They aren’t divided. They are complete in themselves. 

But “integrity” is also used in other fields, like construction. Engineers warn about the devastating consequences when buildings or bridges lack sufficient integrity.

For example, on November 7, 1940, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed into the Puget Sound. The bridge in Washington state had only been open a few months, but it had been nicknamed “Galloping Gertie” because of the way it moved and swayed. On the day of its collapse, a combination of external forces simply put too much stress on the bridge and compromised its integrity, so its twisting and turning intensified and literally tore the bridge apart. You can see a video of the collapse here.

Experts, like the ones who evaluated Galloping Gertie, use integrity to define stability and safety. A structure lacking integrity is dangerous, even deadly. 

With these ideas in mind, you start to see the importance of being a man of integrity. If we aren’t whole as individuals, we can lose our moral compass and get lost in the chaos of this world. And if we’re not building our lives on a strong foundation, we’re liable to collapse under the weight of daily life.

What integrity looks like

As husbands, fathers, and just contributing members of society, it’s important to live as men of integrity. And this becomes even more important when you consider our role as followers of Christ. 

God never created us to be blown around by the winds of culture. He made us to stand firm, to be unshakeable and unmovable for His kingdom and His glory. That means that living as a man of integrity carries a higher calling. And if you’re looking for a scorecard to see where you stand, here are five characteristics that mark a man of integrity.

Being a man of faith

Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden of Eden changed everything. What had been a world filled with peace and perfection was shattered in an instant. Humanity has never been the same. We’ve been broken, the complete opposite of living with integrity. We only find wholeness and restoration through a personal relationship with God through Jesus. His sacrifice puts the pieces back in  place. It’s impossible to even consider being a man of integrity without Him, much less live it out each day.

Being a man of His Word

Even if we’ve accepted God’s gift of salvation, we still have no strength to live with integrity on our own. The only way to experience real peace and stability is to follow God’s plan for our lives. As our Creator, He knows us better than we know ourselves, and His path is the only way to find success and fulfillment as a man, a husband, and a father. We have to spend time in the Bible, His Word, to know what He thinks and what He expects. Otherwise, it’s like trying to build a rocket with a cookbook. We have no idea where to start or how to make it work. 

Being the man around the house

If you’re a husband and a father, you have an incredible responsibility. God has placed you in a unique setting where you can encourage and support other people for His honor. But you have to be present. You have to be engaged to make that happen. Your wife and kids are seeking fulfillment just like you. You can lead them in the right direction, but only if you commit to being a man of integrity! 

Being a man among men

God has created human life to be a team sport. Even the most introverted of introverts needs a support system to make it through life in one piece. As a man of integrity, that starts with your family; but it also includes like-minded men who will stand with you and hold you accountable. Some of them will be your mentors. Others will be men you choose to mentor. All of them will sharpen you like iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). 

Being a man after God’s heart

Here’s some good news: Becoming a man of integrity does not require perfection. You’re human, and you’re going to make your fair share of mistakes. The sign of a genuine man is what he makes of those times. If you’re a man of integrity, you’ll confess your sins (to God and those you’ve hurt), and you’ll learn from your mistakes. Most of all, you’ll pursue God more passionately because you’ll recognize your need for Him more deeply.

Take advantage of every opportunity

For many years, I’ve had the privilege of pouring into the lives of teenagers through my local church. One thing I’ve tried to emphasize to them is also a key to living as a man of integrity: Do what’s right every chance you get.

You see, life is really just a series of choices we make. So, becoming a man of integrity means making the best possible choices—one at a time. That’s how you build spiritual momentum for your life, and that’s how you build a legacy of faith that will resonate long after you’re gone. You take advantage of every opportunity to do the right thing.

Do that, and you’ll become a man of integrity.

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