The practice of spiritual disciplines can make a huge difference in your maturity as a man of God. And as you seek to grow spiritually, Bible study is one discipline you can’t overlook. Time spent in God’s Word is equivalent to time spent with God Himself. And the more time you spend with Him, the better you’ll get to know Him.

Bible study leads to an intimate relationship with your Creator and heavenly Father. So, a spiritual growth Bible study has the power to transform you as a man, as a father, as a husband, and as a friend. Understanding how to grow spiritually in Bible study is one of the most important faith decisions you will ever make.

Want to grow in God’s Word? Dive into Bible study with a Manhood Journey YouVersion Reading Plan.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.”

2 Peter 3:18

The Basics of Spiritual Growth

As you’re learning how to grow spiritually with Bible study, you’ll need to grasp some basics. First of all, recognize that every believer is on this journey. While some may seem farther along than others, we’re all walking this road together.

Bible study also leads you to become more like Jesus, you want just to experience spiritual growth. As Christ’s followers, that’s the goal for our lives. We were created to reflect the thoughts, words, attitudes, and actions of Jesus each day. And focusing on how to grow spiritually in Bible study moves us in that direction.

You also need to know that spiritual growth isn’t a one-time event that you simply check off a list. Every area of our lives requires spiritual transformation. So, while we might be doing well in some aspects, we’re probably struggling in others. Just remember you’re a work in progress, and a Bible study that leads you to grow spiritually can be a game changer.

5 Considerations as You Start

The task of discovering how to grow spiritually in Bible study can be a challenge. The options alone can be daunting. For example, you can study a book of the Bible or a topic from the Bible (like anger or prayer). You can do it on your own or start a Bible study with a group of like-minded men. You can use your own Bible study plan or lean into a published resource.

Honestly, as long as you’re committed to spending time in God’s Word and growing spiritually through Bible study, God will honor your efforts.

1. Is my study rooted in God’s Word?

God wants to speak to disciple His people through His written Word. That sounds simple, but it’s easy to get sidetracked by a “Bible study” that doesn’t really study the Bible. It might be someone’s thoughts or advice, but you’re not looking for self-help suggestions. You’re learning how to grow spiritually. For that, you need to be digging into Scripture.

2. Does this study challenge me?

If you’re focused on spiritual growth in a Bible study, you’re probably going to get shoved out of your comfort zone. But that’s all right. The goal is spiritual growth, and you can’t move forward by standing still. In his letter to the Romans, Paul urged his readers to let God and His Word renew their minds (Romans 12:1-2). Part of knowing how to grow spiritually in Bible study is seeing your perspective adjust to God’s perspective. That’s a good thing!

3. Does this study drive me to know God better?

Sometimes, a drink of water leaves you thirsty for more. That’s how taking on a Bible study for spiritual growth works as well. The more you learn about God, the more you’ll desire to know about Him. An effective spiritual growth Bible study will push you to know God more deeply and to follow Him more closely.

4. What verses can I memorize?

The psalmist made a habit of treasuring God’s Word in his heart because it kept him from sin (Psalm 119:11). Spiritual growth from Bible study should include a challenge to memorize Scripture. It might be some stand-alone verses, or it could be larger passages. But one key to knowing how to grow spiritually in Bible study is filling your mind and heart with His message to you.

5. How can I apply this study to my life?

With the exception of the first question (Is my study rooted in God’s Word?), this one might be the most important. Here’s why I say that . . . a Bible study that cannot be applied to your daily life is just an intellectual exercise. The Christian life calls for action. We point the world toward Jesus by the way we live. So, learning how to study the Bible and grow spiritually means living it out each day. 

Life is a Spiritual Battle

you’ve got to be ready. As a husband, father, and man, you’ve got to buckle up and fight the good fight. Understanding how to grow spiritually in a Bible study is part of your preparation and strategy. But there are a few additional things to keep in mind.

First, remember that spiritual growth is a lifelong process. You’ll have failure at times, and you’ll never be perfect on this side of heaven. Second, remember that spiritual growth and Bible study are only small parts of what it means to become more like Jesus. Other disciplines like prayer and fellowship work hand in hand to teach you how to grow spiritually alongside Bible study.

Finally, look for opportunities to teach others, even while you’re growing. Paul urged Timothy to take the things that he had learned from Paul and to share them with the next generation of leaders (2 Timothy 2:2). This has been God’s plan for promoting spiritual growth for centuries, and it still works. So, pray about finding someone you can mentor.

Learning how to grow spiritually in Bible study is vital for your health as a man of God. It provides solid footing for this life and hope for the next. It benefits you and your family. Best of all, a spiritual growth Bible study challenges you to become more like Jesus. And that’s worth more than you can imagine.

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