Love changes everything! And, for a child, the love of a father has an incredible impact on the people they become and how they view others.

Research is clear that kids who struggle with a father’s love struggle in other areas of life. You can set your sons and daughters on solid ground now and for the future by making sure they experience the love of a father in meaningful and memorable ways.

A Father’s Love is Powerful

Understand What’s At Stake

Kids need to know the love of a father. The connection between dads and their children is priceless and resonates long after the younger generation grows up and leaves the house. For example, a solid relationship between a boy and his dad gives him a sense of acceptance and worth. It assures him that he has what it takes to become a man in his own right. It gives him confidence to know that he measures up and gives him a solid example to follow as he builds his own family.

Likewise, girls need to know the love of a father to fulfill their calling from God. A father’s love gives them a sense of security in a world that often tries to tear them down. They understand their true value as women because they are valued by their dads. Plus, a father’s love provides a template. It lets them know what to look for—and what to reject—when it comes to giving their heart to a man in the future.

Ways To Show Enduring Love

One mistake a lot of dads make is assuming their kids know about a father’s love. You can love your kids with all your heart; but, if they don’t feel it in meaningful ways, it’s almost as if they aren’t getting it at all. 

So, you’ve got to be intentional about showing the love of a father to your children. Humans are complicated beings, and kids are no exception. So, you have to demonstrate a father’s love on multiple levels. Here are four basic ways you can start revealing your love as a father to your children today.

The Spiritual Love of a Father

Fathers can love their kids in a lot of different ways, but the greatest expression of love a father can provide is by leading his children to the Savior. The love of a father means pointing them toward Jesus and discipling them as they begin their own spiritual journeys. The ultimate goal of dads is to raise kids who will follow Jesus and build a spiritual legacy for generations to come.

The Physical Love of a Father

For a lot of guys, this is the hardest way to demonstrate the love of a father. Too many men have never known the power of physical affection from their own fathers, which makes it tough to share appropriate physical affection with their kids. But kids need it—and, honestly, dads do too. Hugs, kisses, pats on the back, holding hands, and so many other forms of appropriate physical touch can feed your child’s sense of security. It assures them of your love. And it can be a blessing to you as well. 

The Emotional Love of a Father

Aside from a relationship with God, a child’s greatest need is a sense of security. They need to know they are accepted and that they belong. The most powerful way dads can establish that connection is through emotional love. Your words and your attitudes can build up or tear down, so you’ve got to be careful with what you say and how you say it. You’ve probably felt the emotional sting of harsh words. You may have experienced the devastation of feeling rejected, neglected, or abandoned. Meeting your kids’ emotional needs speaks volumes and puts them on a path toward emotional and mental well-being.

The Unconditional Love of a Father

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’ve got to remember two important things when it comes to expressing the unconditional love of a father. First, you’re going to be tempted to give up somewhere along the way. You’re going to feel broken and question your abilities. For those times, remember that God placed you with these kids according to His plans—and He never makes a mistake. Second, remember that your kids will be tempted to wonder if you’ve given up on them. Go out of your way to remind them regularly that your love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). Be there for them!

Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

Of course, your ability to demonstrate the genuine love of a father is grounded in your ability to imitate the love of your heavenly Father. Whether it’s spiritual, physical, emotional, or unconditional, God the Father sets the standard for love. He is the Guide.

As a man of God, you are also a child of the Father. And you can only love your kids to the extent that you understand and embrace His love for you. So, spend time in His Word and in prayer. Accept the Father’s love for you. Then, share that Fatherly love with your children.