In the midst of the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt told Americans that the only thing they had to fear was “fear itself.” For guys, that’s still true. Overcoming fear just naturally remains one of our top priorities. If we want to stay in the game of life, we need to learn how to deal with fear.
The problem with fear
If we’re honest, as men, the very idea of fear terrifies us. It robs us of the certainty we value so much. Even worse, it makes us feel weak and vulnerable. Fear is an enemy that leaves us questioning our manhood—and we would sacrifice a lot to identify some practical steps to overcome our fear.
But we have to remember that fear has its place. If fear makes you run a little faster to get away from a bear, that’s not a bad thing. More practically, if fear of injury keeps you away from taking a physical risk or doing something crazy, that works too. In some ways, God uses fear to protect us.
The problem arises when fear takes over. Instead of offering a gentle warning in our gut, it becomes a screaming monster that overwhelms every area of our lives. That’s when learning how you can overcome fear becomes so important. When your anxieties and concerns take an unhealthy turn, you need some strategies for putting them back in place and moving on with your life.
Tips for overcoming your fears
I said earlier that God uses fear to protect us, but He doesn’t want our lives to be dominated and paralyzed by fear. He wants us to overcome our fears so we can experience all the blessings He has for us.
Ultimately, we can’t be the husbands, fathers, co-workers, or friends we need to be if fear is calling the shots. Thankfully, God has given us His Word. And, since overcoming fear is such an important part of our lives, the Bible has a lot to say on the subject.
Below, you’ll find five basic tips for learning how you can overcome your fear. These are time-tested. Even more important, they are rooted in biblical truth. They are principles God has given us to overcome our fears
Focus on the truth
One key to overcoming fear is hanging on to reality. Fear often tempts us to blow things out of proportion. Our minds go to the worst-case scenario, which only produces more fear. But Jesus said that the truth sets us free (John 8:32). So, if we can step back and see the situation for what it really is, we can keep a clear mind and work toward a solution to the problem. You’re not denying the issue, but you’re not letting it mutate like some radioactive creature in a horror film.
Bring others into the situation
Another characteristic of fear is the snare of isolation. As fear grows, we tend to keep others at arm’s length. We’re either too proud (“I don’t really need help”) or ashamed (“They’ll think less of me”). In truth, the moments when fear starts to rise are the moments when we should be reaching out.
Of course, that starts with God. The psalmist wrote that “when I am afraid, I will trust in you” (Psalm 56:3). But you also can confide in your spouse, along with other family members you trust. In addition, you can seek out the wisdom of mentors and other men who have earned the right to speak into your life. A vital step to overcoming fear is knowing that you’re not alone.
Recognize the source of your fear
God didn’t create you to live in fear. In fact, the apostle Paul wrote that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment” (2 Timothy 1:7). So, if God is not the Author of your fear, where did it come from?
Fear is a byproduct of sin, so it ultimately can be traced back to Satan. Adam and Eve never knew fear before they rebelled against God in Eden. And the devil, the “father of lies” (John 8:44), has worked hard to keep us in fear ever since. But Jesus holds authority over Satan, so He has the power to help us overcome fear (John 16:33).
Practice spiritual disciplines
In particular, this involves prayer and Bible study. Prayer is your lifeline to God. It’s your primary tool for sharing what you’re going through and how it makes you feel. While the Lord is omniscient (all-knowing), He still wants to hear from you and He is more than able to answer your prayers about overcoming fear.
Bible study is another tool in learning how you can overcome fear. God’s Word is filled with passages about dealing with our anxieties (like 1 Peter 5:6-7 and Philippians 4:6-7). You can draw incredible strength and encouragement from the Scriptures. What’s more, reading God’s words focuses your thoughts on Him, not your fears.
Remember the past
When overcoming fear, it’s important to distinguish between living in the past and remembering the past. Fear wants to keep you mired in what was, rehashing all the things that could have been or should have been. But one of the most effectives steps to overcoming fear is remembering the past—specifically what God has done for you.
For example, when David faced Goliath, he remembered God’s work in the past. As a shepherd, he had fought off lions and bears with God’s help (1 Samuel 17:33-37). He knew what God could do because of what God had done already. We can do the same as we strive to overcome fear. We can reflect on the strength God has given us in the past and count on Him to be just as trustworthy today.
Fearing God
So, the Bible has some great advice for overcoming fear, and I’d encourage you to keep digging in the Scriptures to see what else God has to say to you about it. But as you read His Word, you may notice “fear” mentioned in a different context: the fear of the Lord.
For example, Proverbs 1:7 states that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Throughout the Bible, God’s people are challenged to “fear God,” even as they are challenged to “fear not.” It can be a little confusing.
It’s important to understand that fearing God has nothing to do with terror or anxiety. It’s all about respect and honor. Our heavenly Father calls us to obey Him, not be scared of Him. He wants us to come to Him in humility, not run from Him in horror.
Actually, learning to fear God in a healthy way equips us to overcome our unhealthy fears. When we keep our relationship with Him in proper perspective, we can keep the rest of our lives—including our anxieties—in perspective as well.
So fear the Lord. And rely on Him to help you overcome your fears.