Consider the words of Margeret Thatcher, the ‘Iron Lady’ and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:

“Power is like being a lady…if you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”

What is manhood?

I believe answering this question, falls into the same category. If you have to say [you are a man], you aren’t.

Nonetheless, let’s explore some other facets of true manhood.

Framework for Manhood

In his book Wild at Heart, John Eldredge makes the case that men bear the image of God through masculinity. Thus, it is a reflection of God, defined by 3 core desires of the heart:

  • A battle to fight
  • An adventure to live
  • A beauty to rescue

Of course, the case for how a woman bears the image of God is also made, but let’s focus on the masculine.

This goes way beyond gender.


We are relational beings. We became the dominant species on the planet because of our ability to work together. Our ability for community.

The worst form of punishment is solitary confinement. When we do not have any relationships, it has an adverse effect on our physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

Look at people in a nursing home. The less interaction they have, the quicker they go downhill.

What has this got to do with masculinity?

Boil it down to what a father must teach his children, versus what a mother has to teach her children.

A mother teaches how to receive.

A father teaches how to give.

Without give and take, there is no exchange. Without exchange, there is no relationship. Without relationship, there is no life.

Exchange is the basis for life – Dr. Edwin Lewis Cole


Lightning in its purest form, is an electric charge or current. But if you cannot harness or control that power, it’s of no use.

It is the same with masculine power. Without control, it does not have much use.

Sure, you want a fierce berserker on the field of battle, but even a weapon wielding warrior has an allegiance. A higher cause. A guiding principle.

With the principles of voltage, current and resistance, we were able to harness and put the power of electricity to use. Creating modern civilization through infrastructure and technology.

But what if that power is used in the wrong way?


There is much talk about ‘toxic masculinity’, but that is a counterfeit. Studying a counterfeit doesn’t help you in identifying the fake.

To identify a fake, you study the original.

But what is the original?

A more apt question in this case would be Who is the original?

C.S. Lewis used the metaphor of statues coming to life to illustrate spiritual transformation. In his book Mere Christianity, he wrote,

“This world is a great sculptor’s shop. We are the statues and there’s a rumor going around the shop that some of us are someday going to come to life”.

This imagery reflects the idea that we as believers are being transformed and brought to life through spiritual awakening and growth.

The original person IS God.

As said by A. W. Tozer:

“God is a Person, and in the deep of his Mighty nature He thinks, wills, enjoys, feels, loves, desires and suffers as any other person may”

Men spell love, H O N O R

If you are a husband, would you want your wife to love you or respect you?

Men are more apt to respond to honour than to love. Or said in another way, they respond better to respect.

Nevertheless, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.Ephesians 5:33

The currency of manhood is honour.

It’s not wrong, contrary to what mainstream media would want you to believe. We are wired that way for a purpose. But then like foreign exchange, would it not be wise to study the economy or even obtain the currency of another ‘society’ so you can take part in their economy? Even build relationships?

Your Manhood is What You Make It

Manhood is to use the power given to us by the Source of all. This is not our power to use for our own purposes, but we are to steward it for the expansion of the Kingdom.

This also involves continuing in the footsteps of Jesus to become like him. Being transformed to living statues. Disciples of the Way. Continually growing the economy of our relationships by applying our aptitude for community and exchange.