“To-do” lists come in all kinds of formats. Some are digital, while others are still hard copy. But they all serve the same purpose: helping us focus on our priorities, the things that matter most in life.

Our spiritual “to-do” lists probably vary from one guy to the next as well. But for every Christ follower, the top priority should be the same. We all should be figuring out how to put God first in our lives. Making sure God is first in all we do—and making sure He stays in the top spot—should be our passion as men of God.

What’s the Old Testament Say?

Honestly, the idea of learning how to put God first in our lives seems like a New Testament directive. After all, Jesus was the One who challenged His followers to love God with every ounce of their being (Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27). This has become known as the “Great Commandment.”

But here’s the thing: When Jesus gave this command, He was quoting the Deuteronomy 6:4-5. So, the Savior’s “Great Commandment” about how to put God first was drawn from what we know as the Old Testament.

But the practice of letting God have first place goes even farther back than that. When Moses got the Ten Commandments, the very first directive was to have no other gods before the Lord (Ex. 20:3). In other words, keep God first in your life. Don’t let anything fill the spot reserved only for Him.

And, honestly, we could go all the way back to Eden, where God gave Adam one rule. By disobeying that instruction, Adam and Eve were letting their own desires replace God’s primary role in their lives. So, God’s demand to be first is as ancient as the human race itself.

How To Start Putting God First

Of course, the Old Testament principle of putting God first is affirmed throughout the New Testament. As mentioned, Jesus said it was the most important commandment He could name—even above loving our neighbors. 

That’s important because knowing how to put God first in our lives shapes who we are and how we act as men. You see, there is a concept in Christianity called the “God-shaped void.” While scholars disagree on who coined the term, no one really denies that it’s true. Humans are born with an innate desire to know God, and, unless we put Him first in our lives, that hole never gets filled.

Plus, until we learn how to put God first and have deep faith in Him, we will never truly be effective for Him. No matter how hard we work, even the best of us can’t accomplish anything of significance for God’s kingdom unless He’s in control. We have to keep Him at the top of our priority list.

Of course, there’s a big gap between words and deeds when it comes to putting God first in our lives. We have good intentions, but we’re not always sure how to translate them into action. With that in mind, here are seven practical things you can do right now as you learn how to put God first.

Accept His Salvation.

I know it sounds like a no-brainer, but it needs to be said. God will never be first in your life until you humble yourself and accept Jesus’s death as the only payment for your sins. Salvation is the starting point. You can’t go anywhere with God until you take that first step.

Connect with Him.

The two best ways to connect with God are Bible study and prayer. It’s been said that Bible study is God talking to us, while prayer is us talking to God. Honestly, both are a two-way street. And both are necessary for keeping God first in your life. You can’t keep Him first if you don’t know what He expects, and you won’t know that apart from reading your Bible and praying.

Fellowship with like-minded believers.

When you’re at a ballgame, you feed off the energy of the crowd. Your fellow fanatics lift you up and encourage you. Honestly, that’s how being a member of a local church should be—without the face paint. The Christian life is not a solo act. You need other believers (especially other men) to hold you accountable and to watch your back spiritually. That’s a big part of knowing how to put God first in your life.

Guard your heart.

Proverbs 4:23 states that guarding your heart is critical for God’s people. Everything that matters in life revolves around what you allow into your heart and mind, so you must be careful about what you consume. You want to take in what makes you more like Jesus, not what shapes you into the world’s image (Romans 12:1-2). By guarding your heart, you make sure God has first place.

Lean into your storms.

Admittedly, this is a tough one. None of us likes struggles, but none of us can avoid them. We all will deal with adversity. It’s what you do with those hardships that counts. If you learn how to put God first in the middle of your storms, you will not just survive your difficulties. You’ll thrive. You’ll come through knowing that you can rely on Him for everything—and that will encourage you to make Him first in the good times, too.

Serve others.

When you discover how to put God first, you also learn how to take a backseat. And when that happens, you can serve others with a loving and compassionate heart. It’s an incredible privilege to serve as the hands and feet of the Savior in our world. And God will open doors to make that happen when He’s at the top of your priority list.

Express gratitude.

Just like serving allows you to take a step back, so does gratitude. Our natural tendency is to look out for number one. That’s who we are as men and as humans. But that’s also what gets us into trouble. But expressing gratitude reminds us that God is the Source of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). As we see Him in that light, it becomes easier to let Him be first in our lives.

God First, Then Peace

I once saw an illustration about putting God first that sticks with me today. The speaker took a large glass jar and poured in some gravel that all but filled up the container. Then, he tried to fit some bigger rocks into the jar—but the gravel had taken up too much space.

Once he emptied out the contents, he tried again. This time, he put the bigger rocks in first. When he poured the gravel over the big rocks, it fit!

The point was clear: When it comes to priorities, start with the big rocks. And in life, no rock is bigger than God. You have to learn how to put God first and let other things fit around Him..

In all you do, God deserves the honor and glory (1 Corinthians 10:31). He deserves first place in your life. Make Him your biggest rock. It’s the only way to fill the void in your heart.

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