I’m fascinated by the TV show Shark Tank. I’m not saying you’ll learn a ton about stewarding resources by watching it. I once heard one of the business mogul’s say, “The most important thing in this world—is money.” Let that sink in. That makes for compelling TV, but it’s a lousy worldview. 

Sadly, the world respects this idea. Culture says greed is good. Most of us are running around with only one goal—to get MORE. What should we do as godly dads? I’ll tell you. We are to show our wife, kids, and those around us—something different.


Why does stewarding resources matter so much?

The godly dad understands everything he has is not his own. His money, time, family, possessions, influence. These are all gifts that must be stewarded well. 

My pastor often points out, if you have access to the following items, you’re incredibly wealthy compared to most people on the planet: 

  • clean water 
  • clothes 
  • a roof 
  • transportation 
  • one book 

If you have a mobile phone or computer to read this post, you’re fairly wealthy. Therefore, since you’ve been given so much, how are you stewarding those resources?

Now, you’ve been following along on this blog, right. You’ve read all about the importance of serving others, building relationships, praying fervently, trusting God, and knowing Scripture. How you steward resources matters because people around you are watching. What you say and do when it comes to your resources—matters. Your words and deeds reveal your heart and your relationship with God. 

Remember, nothing you have is yours.



How does stewarding resources play out in your life?

There are several words to live by when it comes to stewarding resources well. Think about two words here:

PURPOSE: You manage your calendar and your budget. Can this be said of you? That you are “on purpose” when it comes to your resources? 

TEACH: You teach your kids how to be stewards, not owners. What are you teaching your kids by your words and actions related to resources?

We point out several “words to live by” in our Survival Gear. But for now, let Matthew 6:21 speak to you, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” You and I can easily fail as dads when it comes to handling our resources if we don’t show the right example in our homes.

Are you a giver or a taker? An owner or a steward?



What does stewarding resources look like for you right now?

It’s time to take an honest assessment of your relationship to time, money, and resources. Take a moment to review the stages below, determine where you are, and what you should do next.

The four stages of stewarding resources are:

Stage 1 > New Traveler: You’re working to clear your calendar of extra commitments and get your budget balanced.

Stage 2 > Capable Navigator: You occasionally donate time or money to causes that are important to you.

Stage 3 > Road Warrior: You have regular giving that’s planned in your calendar and monthly budget.

Stage 4 > Tour Guide: You’re actively looking for areas where you can give time and money sacrificially.

Now, no matter which stage you’re at, don’t be discouraged. But, honestly assess yourself. Then, determine to move to the next stage.

The godly dad actively looks for areas where he can give time and money sacrificially.



Which stage are you at when it comes to stewarding your resources? 



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