Teenage pregnancy prevention has long been a focus in American culture. While recent research suggests the number of births for women ages 15-19 has been falling over the years, the United States still has the highest rate of teen pregnancy among the world’s most prosperous nations. While there are many factors involved in teenage pregnancy, the issue of fatherlessness consistently appears near the top of the list.

Race, education, and economics all play a role in teen pregnancy prevention. However, research identifies the presence and active involvement of fathers as a primary preventative for teenage pregnancy.

Why Fathers Matter

In many ways, the role of fatherhood has been diminished in our society. Popular media tend to make dads the punchline of jokes or the villain of family life. But that fantasy could not be farther from the truth. The fact is, fathers matter

Dads provide security.

Fathers who provide a loving and consistent presence naturally offer a sense of stability and security. This allows young girls to be nurtured well at home without feeling like they need to find affirmation or affection elsewhere.

Dads provide an example.

A young girl’s dad represents her first exposure to men. In addition to being a hero for many daughters, fathers also serve as a role model. The actions of men toward their wives and their kids set the stage for girls’ future relationships with men. If the father provides a solid example of genuine, biblical manhood, their girls will be less likely to settle for less as they grow older.

Dads provide boundaries.

God has appointed men to be the primary leaders of their homes. While dads must work in tandem with mothers in the arena of raising kids, it is their responsibility to take active leadership and provide biblical guidance. Fathers who abandon or delegate this role open the door for other influences to invest in the lives of their daughters.

A Father’s Role in Teenage Pregnancy Prevention

I have two sons and one daughter. And while I felt an incredible sense of responsibility for all three of my kids, I have to admit that my relationship with my girl has always been different from my relationship with her older brothers. Even now that she’s grown and just a few months away from the marriage altar, I still feel the obligation that comes with being a “daughter dad.”

In the fight for teenage pregnancy prevention, fathers need to dig deep into those paternal feelings toward their girls. They need to do all they can to protect their daughters’ hearts and minds. It’s a manly challenge and well worth the effort. Here are three steps you can take to capture your daughter’s heart, which is key to preventing teen pregnancy.

1. Be her discipler.

Biblical father demands that dads teach their children the truths of God’s Word. That includes teaching our daughters a biblical worldview about sexuality and intimacy. Again, moms can be a great help with this, but dads need to make sure their girls understand what the Bible says about their identity and guide them to make choices built upon the authority of Scripture. 

You can start by leading her to Christ. This is the first stepping stone of any spiritual journey.

2. Maintain an emotional connection.

As I mentioned, my relationship with my daughter is different from my relationship with my sons. The things I talk about with her are unique, and the activities we share are based on her interests. Over the years, I’ve worked hard to build and protect a heart-level connection with her, not just a surface-level association. I keep myself available to her and spend time with her on her terms and her turf, not just my own. 

My primary desire is to show her what it means to have a godly man care about her. If dads can do that—and reinforce that their daughters should never settle for anything less—their girls will be less likely to seek love elsewhere. And that can reduce the likelihood of teenage pregnancy.

3. Lean into your heavenly Father.

You’ll never be perfect as a dad because you’re human. Mistakes will happen. You will drop the ball from time to time. Thankfully, your daughter won’t expect perfection—only consistency.

That’s why you need to seek the parental guidance of your heavenly Father. He’s promised to provide wisdom when your tank is empty (James 1:5), and He loves both you and your daughter more than you can imagine. As you learn from Him, you will become the father your daughter needs. And that’s yet another key to preventing teen pregnancies.

Fathers Can Fight the Battle

Scripture compares the Christian life to a war, so it’s fair to say that godly dads are in a battle for biblical fatherhood every day. A big part of that battle is raging for the hearts and souls of your kids—including your daughter. The world is filled with voices that would love to lead her astray.

If you want to protect her from teenage pregnancy and a multitude of other traps this world sets, you need to be intentional. You need to fight the battle with all you have and rely on the spiritual armor and weapons God provides.

Having said that, many men are already dealing with the reality of their daughter’s teen pregnancy. If that’s you, please know that you are not a father failure. One mistake does not have to define either you or your girl. God still has a plan for both of you—not to mention the beautiful life she’s bringing into this world. 

While the ideal is to avoid teen pregnancy, it is not an unforgivable sin. Love your daughter and love your grandchild unconditionally. Show mercy and grace and point her toward the mercy and grace of God, as well. Trust Him to work all things together for good according to His plan and purposes (Romans 8:28).