Being a godly father is war. It always has been. We can help you with weapons and tools to fight this battle and win.
From eBooks to digital courses to bible study guides, we’re a Biblical Fatherhood armory.
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Study Guides
Simple, easy-to-use tools to lead a Bible study with an individual or small group.
Bible App Reading Plans
Online courses allow you to learn at your own pace and grow in key areas as a dad.
More Than the Score
Life is busy. Between work, picking kids up from school, and making it to practice on time, it’s hard to make time for the foundational conversations with your children. Scripture provides the principles you need to intentionally invest in the next generation as a parent or coach. This reading plan will give you easy and clear steps to help you and your sports-playing family focus on what’s most important. 10 days
Becoming An Intentional Father
Being a father who intentionally disciples his family is tough work. Not only do we need to learn how to run this race, we must simultaneously remove obstacles blocking our way. Biblical fatherhood is not for the faint of heart. This plan will help you identify the things standing in your way. Then it will show you how, with God’s help, you can remove these roadblocks on your journey to becoming an intentional father. 8 days
Becoming A Praying Father
Being a father who prays isn’t the same thing as being a praying father. A father who prays takes actions. A praying father builds godly character. He’s in a constant and authentic exchange with a real and present God. This can be more easily said than done, but do it we must. Join us on a fatherhood journey as we learn how to be praying fathers who impact future generations. 8 days
Becoming A Battle Ready Father
Fatherhood is under attack like never before. Statistics bear this out. One of the best ways for Satan to win this war is to convince men that we are not engaged in battle. This devotional helps fathers and men pick up their weapons and gird themselves for the spiritual battle. A lot is at stake – not only our own personal integrity, but the lives of those we love. 8 days
Becoming A Fulfilled Father
You are leading your family, but you see room for improvement. Sections of your family wall are gone. Some stones must be replaced. Before following Christ, this was off your fatherhood radar. But now, it drives your thinking. What next? As it turns out, fathers can learn much from an Old Testament cupbearer (and wall-fixer). Nehemiah outlines how we can build a vision for our family that honors God. 8 days
Blog Posts
Quick-reading articles that deal with your most pressing issues as a godly dad.
Standing Firm in Faith With Jesus
Standing firm through faith is one of those things we know we should do in our heads, but the practical application can be much more difficult. Like the apostle Paul, we want to do what’s right, but we keep finding
7 Bible Verses About Endurance
When God created us, He knew the road would be long and hard. He knew the devastation and suffering sin would cause. So, in His Word, He provided a treasure trove of Bible verses about endurance, offering us guidance and
What Does The Bible Say About Humility and Leadership?
It’s hard to understate the importance of humility in leadership. Sometimes, when I’m teaching, I’ll ask potential leaders to list the qualities they look for in leadership. Almost without exception, humility in leadership makes the list—often near the top. As