Say the words “making disciples” with me. Just mentioning these words leaves many dads confused. We don’t know where to start or what to do. I’m here to tell you, you don’t need an advanced degree to make disciples. I want to share with you the why, what, and how of making disciples. In doing this, you’ll be handed the most overlooked key to making disciples as a dad.


Why does making disciples matter so much?

Discipleship starts with a simple question: who are you discipling right now? The godly dad makes disciples. There are two places where you should be discipling others.

#1: IN your home. Start by teaching what you know to those closest to you. Your wife and kids. Start talking about the things God is showing you. Then, and only after that, should you move to #2.

#2: OUTSIDE of your home. Start with attending a small group at your church. Here’s the secret: actually speak up. Get involved. Pick a group you can do life with and walk alongside them. 

I see dads get this backward all of the time. They become experts at discipling “those other” people. People they meet when volunteering at church, athletes they coach, or guys in their accountability group. Yet, at home, they’re unintentional and disengaged. 

Listen, you’d have to convince me otherwise, making disciples in our homes is the most-overlooked key for dads. 

If you’re married – and if you have kids in the home – guess where your primary discipleship assignment is located? Now, you’ve been following along on this series of posts. So, you’ve read about the importance of stewarding resources, serving others, building relationships, praying fervently, trusting God, and knowing Scripture. Being faithful in your home is of most importance. Only then, will you be credible to lead outside of your home.

Who are you discipling right now?



How does making disciples play out in your life?

Discipling our families can mean telling important stories. Stories can be powerful discipleship tools. Sharing stories about life’s ups, downs, twists, and turns can help us drive impactful lessons into the hearts of our children. They help anchor our families to the truth of God’s word and involvement in our life. 

We have several story ideas in our Survival Gear you can tell your kids tonight. For now, consider telling your kids about when God…

  • saved you from making a destructive decision
  • blessed you at work
  • revealed some big truth to you from His Word

Depending on the age and stage of your kids, it might work well to tell about when you didn’t listen to God and what you learned.

Don’t forget Deuteronomy 6:6-7, “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

Point your family to God. Do it with your actions and your words.



What does making disciples look like for you right now?

It’s time to take an honest assessment of making disciples. Take a moment to review the stages below, determine where you are, and what you should do next.

The four stages of making disciples are:

Stage 1 > New Traveler: You have had at least one mentor in your life who has discipled you in Christ.

Stage 2 > Capable Navigator: You make time to help your family and other men get better in 1 on 1 settings or small groups.

Stage 3 > Road Warrior: You intentionally develop a mentoring relationship with your children and other dads.

Stage 4 > Tour Guide: You “send” your children and other dads to help others like you once helped them.

Now, no matter which stage you’re at, don’t be discouraged. But, honestly assess yourself. Then, determine to move to the next stage.

The godly dad “sends” his children (and other dads) to help others.



Which stage are you at when it comes to disciple making? 



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