Manhood Journey’s mission is to help you raise the next generation of godly men. We’re here to help you with the tips and tools you need to build your son into a godly man. In this post we dive into the 6 obstacles every dad faces – know that you’re not alone!

If you’re like most of our readers, you’re a father and you’re a Christian. You’re committed to your work, your wife, and you’re physically present in your child’s life. If asked, you can check all of the boxes for the US Census Bureau. For the things that are seen by the government, you’re good. Check mark

Then there’s the unseen things—the spiritual. On paper, you’re present. As in, you’re NOT absent. But are you engaged and intentional in the spiritual development of your child? Maybe you would have a hard time saying aloud: I am intentionally discipling my child.


Maybe it’s work or other things getting in your way. But, there always seems to be too much week and not enough weekend. Does this sound familiar:

I make money, try to be a decent husband, and I’ll get involved in activities with my kids. But, as for their spiritual development, I expect my pastor to give them direction; the teacher to give them knowledge; and my spouse to shape their character. I just can’t do that with all the other stuff on my plate. Hey, at least I’m not just sitting back and letting the internet raise them.


You’re not alone. We can learn to be intentional fathers. We can learn to be great.


What does being a great dad mean?

Notice I didn’t say “perfect”. I said “great”. At Manhood Journey, we believe being a great dad means intentionally discipling your child. If you’re going to be intentional and seek biblical manhood, you’re going face obstacles.



The 6 obstacles EVERY dad faces are:

  1. Ignorance > “I didn’t know it was my job.”
  2. Inertia > “I don’t know where to start.”
  3. Delegation > “I’ll let someone else do it.”
  4. Guilt > “Who am I to talk?”
  5. Procrastination > “I’ve got plenty of time.”
  6. Despair > “My kid’s too far gone.”

Any of these sound like you? When I’m at my worst, I look at my oldest daughter and every day the “On This Day” Facebook feature is another reminder of how quickly time is passing. But, if I pause to think, I realize my time is not over. Neither is yours. Even as a busy father trying to invest your time wisely, you don’t have to feel overwhelmed or without direction.


We at Manhood Journey have great news! Your race isn’t over. Biblical fatherhood is possible and you’re not finished! Better yet, God is on your side. Deuteronomy 6:5-9 is a helpful guide for us:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. 


So, we’ve figured out a few things in this post:

  • You’re a father and a Christian.
  • You want to be more intentional about discipling your children.
  • To know God is on your side.
  • And that you have time left—you’re breathing.

Now what? Let’s start by knowing the obstacles and learning how to remove them. We’ll unpack the six most common obstacles in the coming weeks, but grab your free copy of Identify and Destroy and get to work. We’ll be right beside you on your journey.

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