Who doesn’t want to get this right? It’s unlikely you sit around dreaming about being a mediocre husband. I sure would like to give my wife the gift of ordinary. No. You and I want to be good at everything we do, especially being a husband. While there can be books written on this topic (and there are plenty out there), just put this article to action and your ‘husband’ score will skyrocket:

Random acts of kindness

Choose something nice to do every day for your wife. Don’t make it the same thing. Change it up. Variety will keep you thinking about her and ways you can demonstrate your affection through sweet surprises.

Never stop discovering each other

Get to know more about who your wife is today. While you were dating, you probably familiarized yourself with your wife’s favorite books, bands, movies. But as she’s grown and changed, those favorites have probably changed too. Seek to know more about who your wife is today and who she is becoming.

7 Deadly Sins of a Disengaged Dad eBook

Eliminate these 7 sins and you’ll be a more successful father, no question.

Date Like its Back in the day

Don’t stop dating. Work, kids, and other demanding responsibilities require your time and attention. But none of those things are more important than your wife. Make sure she gets your time and attention. Before you were married, you probably tried to take your bride out as much as possible (or at least as far as your paycheck would allow). Now, you do it whenever you can “find the time.” She deserves better than that, and you want to give her better than that. Make “date night” a consistent event and make it a big deal, not a last-minute trip to McDonald’s dollar menu—unless she’s into that, in which case congratulations is in order.


Pray for her. Prayer is a powerful weapon that too often goes unemployed. Lift your wife’s name up to the LORD. Ask Him to show you how to be the kind of husband He’s called you to be.

Just Listen

Don’t try to solve her problems. I know, I know, it makes no sense. But let me save you guys some arguments and wasted energy. When your wife comes to you with a problem she is having at work or with some friends or her family, the only thing she wants you to do is listen. Don’t try to fix it. Do not tell her what you would do if you were her. Just nod your head and say, “Um, hm.” Listen, really listen. Listen to what she has to say and the way she is saying it. That will go much further than any attempts you make at problem-solving.


Take care of your body. Dad-bod is a thing. And not a good one. Exercise. Watch what you eat. This isn’t a decree for you to work on your appearance or become a bodybuilder. Although, maintaining a fit body will probably help in the bedroom. This is a call to be healthy. To remain an active part of your family, you have to be active. To ensure that you will always be able to keep up with your wife, play with your kids—even grandkids, and be around long enough to enjoy all those things as they come, start taking care of your body now.

Being a good husband

I know you want to be a good husband. We all do. Take that desire and put it into action. All of these things listed above are action steps you can start today. Pick one, and put it into practice. Once you feel you’ve got the hang of that one, choose another. Don’t ever stop trying to be a good husband.



If we can all get these things right, our wives will start to think we’re working together. 😉



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