Good job. Well done. At ‘a boy. Who doesn’t appreciate some encouragement from time to time? It’s nice to have people notice and comment on our achievements. Even more important are the times an encouraging word pushes us to keep going when we want to give up. The right words from the right person at the right time can be life-changing. But what about from God? Does He still praise His people, or was that just during Bible times?

Of course, God probably encourages the Rockstar Christians—those guys who seemingly have it all together. But what about me? I’m just doing my best not to punch anyone at work. Does the LORD pass out affirmation to guys like me?

God is good. His Word is full of evidence proving that truth. And He is good to all His people, even those of us who fall into the non-rockstar category. He encourages us in so many ways that we aren’t even aware of them all. Here are just a handful of ways He lovingly spurs us forward.



The best way God encourages us is with His presence. This mysterious truth that the Creator indwells His creation is mindboggling. But’s it’s true. God is with you and me. Everyday. Everywhere. Anytime you need Him, God is there—closer than a heartbeat. Combine that fact with the truth that there’s nothing He can’t do, and you can pray to Him for all the encouragement you could ever need. But here are a few more anyway.


Other Believers.

Fellow believers are a great gift and encouragement God places in our lives. Just knowing we have Christian brothers and sisters who have our back can be the encouragement we need to keep going when life feels like more than we can handle. Church and Christian community can be the lifeline that pulls us through the crashing waves of difficulty this sin-stained world continually tosses at us (Hebrews 10:24-25). We need each other. We grow from each other.


How to be a better father, Biblical Fatherhood


How to be a better father, Biblical Fatherhood



His Word.

Whenever you are down or doubts start to creep in, turn to the Bible. It is the only place to find absolute truth. It provides all we need to guide us through every situation and teaches us Who God is and who we are to Him. His Word reminds us over and over again that He loves us in a way that never fades. His promises are pure encouragement.



Take a simple look around and be reminded that there is a Creator. There is a Power out there Who is greater than ourselves. All the evidence in nature points to Him being in control. And that alone is comforting. Encouraging. Because He is in control, we don’t have to be. We can let go and enjoy life a little more instead of trying to govern every detail. He’s got all that covered. Yep, the God that formed the mountains even knows the number of hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7). That may not seem like an impressive feat for some of us because we only have 4 or 5 hairs on our heads. Still, we should be encouraged that God cares enough to know the minor details about who we are and the lives we live.



God’s Encouragement is Forever.

God loves you. I’m sure you’ve probably heard that declaration many times. But really put some thought to it for a minute or two. Could anything be more encouraging than that? God is for you (Psalm 56:9). He works for your good (Romans 8:28). And if God is for you, what can stand against you (Romans 8:31)? What more encouragement do we need?

Again, there are many more ways that God encourages His people. We didn’t even touch grace, forgiveness, redemption, or the simple fact that He is more faithful than the morning. But if you are still in need of an encouraging word, give Kent or me a call. We’ll tell you how awesome you are. And we might actually mean it.



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