No matter your struggle as a dad, knowing how to connect with your kids takes digging in and working constantly to improve. In this post, I’ll start with some general advice you haven’t thought of around this topic, and then move to more practical tips for you to consider along the way.
Some of the best information you can glean to be a godly dad is to learn from godly dads around you. As men, we don’t always do the best job of learning from other men, much less intentionally seeking out other men to learn from.
Here are three (3) tips for how to connect with your kids like never before.
1. Look at the kids of men you know.
2. Invest in great books.
3. Lead talks with your family.
1. Connect with your kids by looking at the kids of men around you.
Okay, this first tip may have surprised you. Listen to me, if you know a guy who consistently leads his family in a godly manner and you see that reflected in his kids, you may want to explore a mentoring relationship with that guy. Jesus says in Matthew 7:16, you know a tree by its fruit. I would encourage you to look at the fruit of the tree before you ask a guy to mentor you.
It’s also a great idea to have multiple mentors. Some of those may be more formal mentoring relationships that exist through a program at your church, while others may be more informal. The wealth of knowledge you can gain is priceless. In many ways, you don’t know what you don’t know related to how to connect with your kids. This can be super frustrating. But, having a solid, godly man walk alongside you is worth more than gold.
2. Connect with your kids by investing in great books.
You’ve no doubt heard the saying, “Leaders are readers.” Guess what. If you’re a dad, then you’re a leader. Therefore, you should read. Make it a priority to invest in the great books on fatherhood. Sometimes, the best way to connect well with your kids is to be prepared for anything.
Do you need help getting started and knowing which fatherhood books to get first? There are so many great books that can teach you a ton about fatherhood. When it comes to essential books worth reading on being a godly father, be sure you’re confident of where to start.
3. Lead your family in biblical conversations.
Call it family devotions or not. This was the most intimidating thing to me when I became a dad. Here I am, this seminary graduate who teaches people week in and week out about the Word of God, yet I had no clue where to start in leading my own family through it.
I tried to start family devotions, but they were awful. I had no clue where to start with my then 5, 3, and 1-year old and opened up to Genesis 1 and started trying to teach. It was a train wreck. I was frustrated, my wife was laughing (which didn’t help the frustration) my kids were all over the place. I can laugh about it now, but I was so discouraged then. I look back and remember that, over time, with some work, you can find common ground with your children. You can connect with your child like never before.
When it comes to how to connect with your kid, which of these three things do you need the most work on right now?
More resources for how to connect with your kids
Want some additional help related to this topic? Check out these solid reads:
- Finding common ground: don’t forget to have fun
- How to get children to listen
- How to ask kids better questions
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