I recently attended the funeral of a man I greatly respected. A true example of a biblical father. As I enjoyed the celebration of his life, I was overwhelmed by racing thoughts.

I share them with you for 3 reasons:

  1. It is my feeble effort to honor this incredible leader
  2. I figured you might laugh a bit at the look under my mental hood. John had a razor sharp wit, the least I could do is try to be funny.
  3. Finally, maybe this will prod you to avoid making the mistake I made with him.

Welcome aboard the stream of consciousness train, there are no stops.

  • Doris (John’s wife of 60+ years) seems so content and gracious. Praise the Lord.
  • I hope I live long enough to see my kids and grandkids follow God.
  • Our church’s Elder chairman just did a great job of honoring John’s legacy. That story about John accidentally shooting the neighbor’s cat was funny.
  • Our former Pastor knew John for 30+ years. How did he so effectively choose perfect stories to share? He is amazing. I bet he prays a lot. The way he compared John to a fallen prince from scripture, that was cool. It would make a good blog title.
  • John was gentle and humble. He was great at the loving, careful rebuke. I could sure learn from his example.
  • The quartet just sang. I love that sound! I hope we have them back at church some time.
  • “The first 56 years of marriage are the hardest.” My goodness, John was hilarious.
  • I hope my boys miss me when I die. His son’s recent FB post was awesome. I wonder if Facebook will still be around if I live to be 84?
  • Dog gone it! I completely blew it the entire last decade by not spending more time with John. He only lived four miles from me. What a missed opportunity, I’m an idiot. I won’t make that mistake this next decade.
  • Won’t it be cool to spend unlimited time with godly heroes in heaven? That’s one of the curses of the fall right there: limited time with amazing people.
  • John not only personally gave me input – but, through his relationship with my parents-in-law, he impacted my life and my marriage. He and I met when he was about 60. I wonder if I will meet someone in 15 years who might need some guidance?
  • Speaking of marriage, my wife sure cleans up nice.
  • I remember him stopping me at church once and saying, “Hey, I’m gonna throw your name in as a deacon. You gonna do anything to embarrass me?” We both laughed, but he had made his point.
  • A key reason I attend a vibrant, dynamic church today is due to his behind the scenes leadership for decades. I bet most of our attendees have no idea the debt they owe this man.
  • Speaking of behind the scenes, John was really comfortable there. I love the spotlight. God, please make me more like him.
  • He encouraged our church staff a lot. How could I do more of that?
  • We both met our wives at the same college. I didn’t know that. Cool.

An example to Biblical fathers

Joy, respect, sadness, personal conviction and gratitude flooded my mind. I was so grateful to have known this pillar of the faith. Even so, I was convicted for having missed the chance to learn more from this godly servant, husband and father.

To whom do you owe a debt of gratitude? Who are your faith heroes? Have you thanked them? Have you taken the opportunity to share a glass of tea? What could you do now that will keep you from being remorseful at their funeral?


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