In a world often marked by confusion and chaos, Bible verses about peace can be a refuge from the storm. Knowing that God’s Word is true and reliable, finding verses about peace and meditating on them can help guys like us maintain a proper perspective on the world and life. These verses can strengthen our resolve and focus our moral compass.

Fears take many forms in our culture. International wars, combative politicians, financial insecurity, racial injustice, family stresses, and so many other disruptive forces fill the news headlines and our social media feeds. And, while they may be commonplace, they also hijack our peace of mind.

That’s why embracing Bible verses about peace is so vital for men who long to be faithful husbands and wise fathers. Our lives—and our legacies as fathers—depend on it!

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“Like a parent feels compassion for their children — that’s how the Lord feels compassion for those who honor him.”

Psalm 103:13

The Biblical Meaning of Peace

Before digging into Bible verses about peace, it’s important to understand what peace really means from a biblical perspective. Most of the folks who wrote the books of the Bible were Jewish. Notable exceptions—like Luke—were Gentiles, but they still viewed the world through the lens of Jesus, who was Jewish. 

That means that when those writers addressed topics in the Bible, they usually did so within a Jewish context. For example, when they wrote about “peace,” they would filter it through the Jewish idea of shalom. You may know that shalom is a common Jewish greeting or blessing, but you may not know that it goes much deeper than that.

Shalom, the primary Hebrew word for “peace” in the Old Testament, means much more than the absence of conflict. It includes a holistic security and soundness that affects every area of life. Shalom represents well-being and completeness, like having every piece of the puzzle in place. 

So, when Old Testament writers talked about peace, they were talking about shalom. And, while New Testament writers generally used the Greek word eirene for peace, they still carried over this Jewish idea of holistic wellness. So, this complete sense of shalom rest and fullness is what Bible verses about peace emphasize. This is the peace that God offers and wants His people to enjoy.

7 Bible Verses About Peace

In a field outside of Bethlehem one night, a group of angels announced a message of peace to the world (Luke 2:13-14). What the world needed more than 2,000 years ago is still a valuable commodity today. We need peace, and Bible verses about peace provide a solid foundation on which we can stand.

As you might expect, the Bible has a lot to say on the subject of peace. In fact, when scholars look at the Bible in Hebrew and Greek, the words shalom and eirene appear more than 300 times! That’s a lot of Bible verses about peace, but it simply underscores just how unpeaceful the human existence can be at times. 

In the space below, I’ve identified seven of those instances where the Bible speaks of peace. Obviously, that’s a small sample size, but I’m hoping these verses will offer you some rest and security that might be missing—some shalom for your life. And I’m hoping they will whet your appetite for a deeper study in the days to come.

You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you.

Isaiah 26:3

When I reflect on Bible verses about peace, this is the one that comes to my mind first. God has promised to keep our minds at peace as long as we keep our minds focused on Him. Words like “dependent” and “trusting” remind us that we are broken and need to put God first. We can’t find peace on our own. We can find shalom only in Him.

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:1

When New Testament writers talked about peace, they often referred to “peace with God.” This is the result of having a personal relationship with Jesus. Prior to our salvation, we were enemies of God, unable to obey Him or live at peace with Him. But once we embrace Jesus as Savior and let His death on the cross pay the price for our sins, we are restored to God. In a sense, we change teams and start to follow Him. Peace with God (salvation) is humanity’s greatest need. 

Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.

John 14:27

Whatever God creates or provides is good (Genesis 1:31; James 1:17). Meanwhile, since Eden, Satan has been convincing humans to settle for cheap imitations. In this Bible verse about peace, Jesus promised His followers a peace that would get them through difficult times. This peace is different from what the world offers—Satan’s cheap imitation. Instead, the peace Jesus provides is the real deal and it’s available through Him. 

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7

Think about the fears that keep you awake at night. Consider the worries and the stresses that create anxiety in your heart and mind. Now, imagine having them all washed away with the peace of Jesus! This is exactly what the apostle Paul said Christ provides. This isn’t just any peace. This is a peace that goes far beyond anything we could understand or expect. When we talk about enjoying “peace of mind,” this is what we mean.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things.

Galatians 5:22-23

Jesus said that one reason we can live in peace is because He has sent the Holy Spirit to guide us and protect us. The Spirit comes to reside in the lives of everyone who embraces Christ as Savior, and He produces “fruit” in our lives. Peace, along with several other character qualities that look like Jesus, is evidence of that fruit—and an assurance of our relationship with Christ. Peace should be a hallmark of the Christian life. If it’s not, we need to examine the fruit we’re producing a little closer.

If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Romans 12:18

God sets our hearts at rest with His peace (Isaiah 26:3). Jesus provides peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7). And the Spirit produces peace as part of His spiritual fruit in our lives. But what about us? Well, we’ve still got a role to play in this process. According to this Bible verse about peace, we have to do all we can to nurture peace and sustain unity with other believers. That doesn’t mean we’ll always agree with one another. Even Paul, who wrote this letter to the Romans, had a falling out with his friend Barnabas over ministry strategy (Acts 15:36-41). But we have to make the effort to find common ground—even if it means agreeing to disagree.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God

Matthew 5:9

Romans 12:18 challenges us to live at peace with others. And this Bible verse about peace from the Beatitudes reminds us that nurturing peace leads to incredible blessings. In fact, peacemakers are identified as children of God. Just like every child resembles their parents in one way or another, peacemakers look an awful lot like their heavenly Father. We reflect God well when we strive for peace in our lives and the lives of others.

The True Source of Peace

Centuries before Jesus came to earth in Bethlehem, the prophet Isaiah revealed some great things about Him. In fact, he shared some names that would identify who the Messiah was and what He would be all about (Isaiah 9:6). One of those messianic titles was “Prince of Peace.”

Jesus is divine royalty. He came to earth to establish God’s kingdom through His people. One day, He will return to judge those who rejected His offer of salvation. Most of all, He is coming to make all things new. He’s coming to restore the peace of Eden that was distorted when Adam and Eve sinned.

If you’re looking for Bible verses about peace, start with Jesus. He is the Author of Peace and he still calms storms, and He still calms hearts. He is the Prince of Peace. Ultimately, every Bible verse about peace points us back to Him.

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