My baby girl is 2 years and 8 months old. She completed the self-rescue or baby-float course just before turning 2 as we have a pool at home. She’s continued with swimming lessons, and I recently saw how far she has come.

One exercise they do, is to jump into the arms of the instructor and once in the water, swim to the side on their own. It’s not far, but it’s just enough to see a flicker of panic once the instructor lets go.

None of the kids seemed to dislike the activity though. Smiles and laughter abound. Jumping with reckless abandonment and without any self-doubt. Little to no thought regarding safety, believing they will make it, even though they have no guarantee.

With some conviction, the thought came: 

“When was the last time I was able to just ‘jump’ with total confidence that God would provide? When was the last time I beat self-doubt and was able to get back in the game?”

The root of self-doubt

The three primary manifestations of self-doubt are:

  1. Fear of the unknown future.
  2. Anxiety about the present.
  3. Regret of the known past.

Self-doubt implies a lack of confidence in oneself and our abilities. However, abilities can be taught, but essence statements say something about who we are. Our identity.

The problem with self-doubt is that it prevents us from expressing our true selves. We might compromise our authentic voices while we seek confirmation from others. Generally, self-doubt is connected to vulnerability. When we’re open and exposed, we may get hurt (fear) or make mistakes (regret) – Rachel Eddins, M.Ed., LPC-S

When someone is caught in the web of self-doubt, they are subjectively experiencing the situation. Whether real or imagined and they have lost the ability to think about the problem and may start to feel like they are the problem.

The reptile brain activates the fight or flight response, and it becomes a matter of survival.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky

Overcoming self-doubt

To overcome self-doubt and get back in the game, we need to be settled in our identity in Christ.

In the teaching “The New Spiritual Authority: Intimacy” by Arthur Burk, he states the three primary pillars of our identity are:

  • Belonginess
  • Worth
  • Competence

Studying our identity as a son of God, worthy to have been saved by our brother, Jesus Christ and in constant communion with the Holy Spirit; lays a firm foundation for our lives.

Consider three truth statements that affirm our identity as Christians, to incorporate into our lives and so overcome self-doubt and get back in the game:

1)      We belong to God. We are His children and image bearers of our Father.

Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine. – Leviticus 20:26

2)      Our worth lies in Jesus Christ. Purchased through his sacrifice on the cross.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16 English Standard Version

3)      Our competence comes from the Holy Spirit who equips us for anything

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. – John 16:13 English Standard Version

Doubt as a catalyst

Doubt is not a permanent fixture but rather a passing visitor. Embracing uncertainty allows us the freedom to investigate our doubts. Doubt is not an obstacle but a catalyst for self-discovery and growth. When we choose to share our creativity and unique gifts, doubt loses its power to hold us back.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela


The enemy knows our weaknesses and fears our strengths. He will do anything to kill, steal and destroy; to stop us from reaching our full potential with God.

I challenge you to identify one area of doubt in your life and invite Jesus to go there with you.

Allow him to help you ‘jump’ again like a child, with no guarantee.

Free from fear and regret.

Free from self-doubt and then…

Get back in the game!