It’s not if you’ll make a mistake as a husband and dad, but when. So, when you make a mistake, how will you respond? Here’s how you can move forward and show your family how to do the same. Acknowledge your mistake. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps. 51:10). David recognizes his own sin here. It’s been said that, with the word create, David was asking for a miracle from the God who had created the world? Only God can create a clean heart and renew your spirit—immediately—and continually. We need God to give us a right spirit. He alone corrects our sin. Going forward, we’re called to remember our constant need for Him to work in us. Remember, David had sinned; adultery and murder, to name a few. The lesson? Sin isn’t beyond God’s forgiveness. When you make a mistake, acknowledge it. Seek God first, then seek to make things right with the one you’ve wronged. Follow David’s process in your home. Give this process to your wife and kids. Imagine the chances you’ll have to point your wife and your kids to the One who can transform everything.
Bible Scriptures For Balancing Work and Family: Balancing work and family is tough, but Scripture makes it clear: time is our most valuable resource. Work is important, but your family is your greatest calling. Invest in your marriage, lead your kids spiritually, and be fully present in both work and home. When you align your priorities with God’s design, you’ll find peace, purpose, and a lasting impact.
Restoring Relationships When We Fail: Since we’re all imperfect creatures, our relationships with one another are bound to be imperfect as well. Sometimes, we’re just going to drop the ball. We’re going to hurt the ones we love. In today’s episode, we’ll examine how to go about healing the connections we’ve damaged in our lives—and how to avoid creating that kind of relational chaos in the future.
“Forgiveness is the only way to break the cycle of injury and retaliation that poisons human relationships. The gospel teaches us that the very core of our identity is not in what we’ve done, but in what God has done for us.” —Tim Keller
A little humility goes a long way. Be patient and trust the process. Humility is a one-time experience AND an ongoing one. Humility takes time. Read Philippians 2:3 one hundred times this week, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Seriously, read it over and over for the next few days. Watch what God can do with you. Pray and ask God to give you a new mind—His mind—for those around you. Do this and you’ll be following Christ and showing Christ to those who live with you.
Kent Evans
Author of Don’t Bench Yourself, co-founder of Manhood Journey
P.S. Was this Mountain Monday helpful? Tell me if you love it, hate it, or if there’s something you’d like in the next one.
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