Ever wonder if you have what it takes to be a godly dad? Stop wondering. You have more than enough. Years ago, I met Steve Farrar (author of Point Man) who passed away last year. On the newest Father On Purpose podcast, we discuss his influence. Steve poured so much wisdom into dads. Here are three ideas that struck me: #1 God gave you every spiritual blessing (Eph. 1:3). What Paul said then is for us now. You may not feel like you have everything you need to be a godly dad, but you do, in Christ. Farrar taught that your kid needs you to instruct/coach/mentor/teach and channel him. He has unchanneled energy. Like uncontrolled water raging through a city versus restrained water that powers cities, we must channel our kids’ energy. #2 God chose you (Eph. 1:4). Farrar shared that Jesus should be your North Star for how you treat others. Was Jesus always gentle? No, but He expressed the right trait at the right time. Give your family the right trait at the right time. #3 God adopted you (Eph. 1:5). For the believer, God adopted you into His family. Adoption means a child is given the same rights/benefits as if born into that family. We have the privilege of starting a spiritual legacy for our family line. Follow God by simply doing the next right thing. Trash needs taken out? Done. You do everything as one who’s chosen/adopted and changing his family tree.


5 BIBLE VERSES ABOUT PARENTING RESPONSIBILITIES: It’s been said that parenting doesn’t come with a handbook, but that’s not exactly true. While parenthood is full of opportunities to learn from your mistakes, God has also graciously given you solid guidance in the pages of His Word. We’ve picked out five great Bible verses about parents’ responsibilities toward their kids. Whether your children are grown, still living at home, or yet to be born, these nuggets of biblical truth will help you move closer to becoming all God expects from you as a parent.


SAVING OUR BOYS: Author and speaker Steve Farrar dedicated his life to uplifting men, and his voice and influence have continued to resonate well beyond his death in 2022. In this podcast, you’ll get to hear some incredible and inspirational snippets from Steve’s teaching. They are still as relevant and applicable today as they were when he delivered them years ago.


“What can I do to provide for my children that’s really significant? The answer is to love their mother unconditionally.” —Steve Farrar

“It’s the quiet life of obedience that will earn a hearing.” —Steve Farrar

“Your kids don’t need more things. They need you. And they want you. The more time that you can spend with them, the more they are going to want to be like you and know the Heavenly Father who made you such a great dad. That’s how you lead your kids to Christ.” —Steve Farrar

“The curse of fatherhood is distance, and the good fathers spend their lives trying to overcome it.” —Steve Farrar


Tell and show. Show your kids a godly father. We know the stats on dads who aren’t in the home. Many kids don’t have a dad at home, especially not a godly one. Remember: You are the pastor of your home—no one else. Know God’s Word, talk about it, and show it to your wife and kids by what you do. The next generation is growing up without seeing a godly dad. Show your kids the Father this week. In Christ, you have what you need.

Kent Evans

Kent Evans
Author of Bring Your Hammer, co-founder of Manhood Journey

P.S. Was this Mountain Monday helpful? Tell me if you love it, hate it, or if there’s something you’d like in the next one.

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P.S. Want to see how you’re doing as a dad? Take the Godly Father Assessment.

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