“If you must decide between upgrading the fridge or the family outing, skip the fridge…” This advice has stuck with me for almost 20 years. Finding time to get away is an investment in your family. Now, maybe you’re strapped for cash or getting outta debt right now. Good, keep crushing the debt. This advice depends on what season you’re in. #1 Why? You might be asking, “Why don’t I just keep working?” Proverbs 23:4 says, “Don’t wear yourself out to get rich; stop giving your attention to it.” Hard work is a virtue; but, killing yourself for money is foolish. Time with family creates memories that don’t happen on Tuesday nights. Unplugging tells your family they’re important. #2 How? Plan to work ahead, work when you return, or delegate stuff. It’ll also take patienceEphesians 4:2 says, “with all humility and gentleness, with patience…” You’ll need patience and gentleness the longer you’re away, trust me. #3 What? If you’re going to NYC/Costa Rica, you’ll spend money. But, maybe you can camp at a local park. Change the scenery to create memories. The best trip involves time when you and your family are not tied to phones/work/email. You don’t need a ton of cash/time—but you gotta unplug. Romans 12:10 says, “…outdo one another in showing honor.” Show that you honor your family by giving them your time.


THE ROLE OF A FATHER ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE: It’s often been said that fatherhood does not come with an instruction manual. Well, that’s not exactly true. Your heavenly Father, the One who knows you, loves you, and placed your children under your authority, has given you His Word. And, among the hundreds of things God teaches us through Scripture, He included a lot about the role of fathers. Take a look at what God has to say about fathers. His timeless truths still offer great guidance today.


SEEING FAMILY TRIPS IN A DIFFERENT LIGHT: You know the drill… up early, car packed, and on the road for the next great family adventure. If that’s your story, then you’ll probably also admit that the incredible memories you create sometimes come with a dark side. Crowded attractions, high prices, and short fuses can leave a bitter taste that no cotton candy can sweeten. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With a little reimagination, your family trips can be so much more. They can be opportunities to teach (and practice) godly qualities like patience, stewardship, and servant leadership. Seeing your family outings through God’s eyes can be a real game-changer, regardless of your destination.


“If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life.” —Billy Graham

“It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you use that makes a difference.” —Zig Ziglar

“The fellow that has no money is poor. The fellow that has nothing but money is poorer still.” —Billy Sunday

“God doesn’t promise to overflow your bank account, but promises to provide for your every need.” —Paul Chappel


Check out: Whether your last getaway was before the kids were born, or you have three trips planned before Summer ends, it’s vital you get away on some level. Don’t have time or money for a week? Fine. Take a long weekend or camp in your backyard, but change the atmosphere. Find time to unplug, get your mind off work, and connect with your family. Make sure they feel loved by the time you give them. Now, when are you “checking out” from work to spend time with your family?

Kent Evans

Kent Evans
Author of Bring Your Hammer, co-founder of Manhood Journey

P.S. Was this Mountain Monday helpful? Tell me if you love it, hate it, or if there’s something you’d like in the next one.

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