Active engagement with your family takes sacrifice—continual sacrifice. As the leader of your home, you aren’t called to passive participation, but to take initiative. Romans 12:10 says, “Love one another…outdo one another in showing honor.” As a husband and dad, be the example of action—fully engaged in your home. This is one of the most powerful ways to lead those under your roof. What’s Romans 12 telling us? #1 Love one another… Think about it: Jesus actively sought out and helped others. He met them where they were. He showed proactive love. Love that takes initiative. In the same way, you can look for ways to serve your family. Maybe it’s a meaningful conversation or pitching in around the house without being asked. As a dad, you’re called to be like Jesus—starting in your own home. #2 Show Honor. Actively honor your wife/kids with your words and actions. You can make your family feel seen and valued. By now you’ve opened Christmas gifts and you may even be back to “business as usual” with work and busy schedules. Don’t neglect being present and showing your love by your words and actions—with your energy—fully in on the action around your house.


How To Know God’s Plan For Your Life: God has a plan for each of our lives, designed uniquely for us. This article explores how to discern His purpose by trusting His guidance, using the spiritual gifts He’s given, and obeying Him where we are. It reminds us that God equips us for His plan, works everything for good, and always completes what He starts. Through Scripture and personal reflection, it encourages us to align our lives with His will for His glory.


Give the Gift of Engagement: While the wrapped presents on birthdays and around the tree at Christmas are nice, the consistent presence you provide your family the entire year is a gift of infinite value. What’s more, by actively engaging with your family each day, you are are modeling the incredible love and purposes of our engaging God. In this episode, we’ll examine the gift of presence and how you can become the hands and feet of Jesus as a father and husband by plugging into your relationships this year—and every year.


“The best way to lead your family is by loving them well, with your heart, your hands, and your words.” —Andy Stanley


Godly engagement. How does God engage with us? Is He an active participant or a passive bystander? God comes to us. God is an active participant in our lives, not a passive bystander. As a husband and dad, start the new year by actively listening, helping around the house, and creating space for meaningful conversations. Honor your family by putting others above yourself. What you value is reflected in where you invest your time. Your intentional acts will set the tone in your home and model Christ to those around you.

Kent Evans
Author of Don’t Bench Yourself, co-founder of Manhood Journey

P.S. Was this Mountain Monday helpful? Tell me if you love it, hate it, or if there’s something you’d like in the next one.

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