As we begin the new year, Romans 12:2 reminds us to be transformed by renewing our minds and discerning God’s will. For you as a husband/dad, real growth means aligning with God’s will, not just personal improvement. Doing 2% better at work, but rarely being home won’t cut it. You’re called to lead by example in your home, setting the tone for serving like Christ. Romans says: Do not be conformed to this world… Do you feel the pull of this world? You should feel it—because it’s happening—constantly.  The man who loves God will not look like the world. but be transformed by the renewal of your mind… The world’s ways are wrong and should be avoided. Great, but how? By consistent renewal of your mind. The God who starts a good work in you can keep renewing you day by day. Keep knowing/learning about God. Little by little, your thoughts and actions will improve—you’ll be becoming more like Christ. …by testing you may discern what is the will of God. Test your life with what you find in Scripture. Is your life godly or not? Are your standards/values/wants/habits godly?


What Does The Bible Say About Humility In Leadership?: Humility is key to effective leadership, rooted in seeing ourselves as God does and serving others selflessly. Biblical examples, from Moses to Jesus, teach us the dangers of pride and the power of dependence on God. True leadership is about serving, not status, and embracing humility shapes us into leaders who honor God and inspire others.


Embracing Areas Of Growth For the Coming Year: A new year is upon us, and this often gives us a chance to feel like we have a fresh start. Scripture tells us that even Jesus grew intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially. If He had room to grow in those areas, we certainly have room to grow as fathers, husbands, friends, and Christ followers. In this episode, we’ll be talking about healthy ways to turn the page in the new year and considering some helpful actions that will help us become more godly dads in the coming months.


“Godly leadership begins with a deep understanding of God’s will and a willingness to align our plans with His purposes.” — John Piper


The K-I-S-S Method. I’ve found the K-I-S-S method useful for making intentional changes: KEEP, IMPROVE, STOP, START. Take time to pray and consider how you can better lead your family this year. Ask God for guidance on what you need to keep, what needs to improve, what distractions or negative behaviors you need to stop, and what new habits you need to start to be more godly and lead your family well this year.

Kent Evans
Author of Don’t Bench Yourself, co-founder of Manhood Journey

P.S. Was this Mountain Monday helpful? Tell me if you love it, hate it, or if there’s something you’d like in the next one.

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