I love how Nicky Gumbel put it in his Bible in a year reading plan: “If we resolve one problem, others are just around the corner. The temptation is to see these challenges as preventing us from carrying out the ministry God has given us. In actual fact, dealing with the problems IS the ministry.” Dad, if you’re an active participant in the fatherhood game, you’ll find yourself moving from one challenge to the next. Some small and insignificant. Some life-altering and massive. Those daily, recurring and sometimes wearying difficulties are the work of being a godly dad. Don’t see them as impediments to the goal. See them as the goal in and of themselves. As we’re wrestling, resolving, resisting and enduring, our kids and families are watching. Don’t go looking for difficulty, it will find you. When it does, step into it. And, as you do, know that the glory we will see one day far surpasses the challenges we endure on the way there (Romans 8:18).


Learn what motivates your child: As dads, we understand the urge to blow off a task because we just don’t feel “motivated” in the moment. So, it should never surprise us that our kids struggle with the same feelings. Fortunately, we can help our children learn the importance of a job well done—and of learning the motivation it takes to finish strong.


Chasing riches is an enemy of gratitude and a catalyst for discontentment: A lot of things can steal our contentment as dads; especially something like money that will have us staring at our bank account, obsessed with the numbers inside. Only serving money will usher destruction into our lives. However, If we trust God with our money, we’ll soon discover genuine gratitude and learn how little we actually NEED. If we give (money, time, energy, expertise) out of pure generosity and desire to serve others, God’s grace can flow through us and into them.


“If we are faithful to God in little things, we shall gain experience and strength that will be helpful to us in the more serious trials of life.” – Hudson Taylor

“Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.” – Lou Holtz

“A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.” – Seneca


Press in. What’s that trial or difficulty on your doorstep right now? Have you been avoiding it? Have you been trying to dismiss it so you can get on with “actual” life? Instead, lean into it. Ask God how He wants to use it to shape, strengthen and grow you. Then, stop trying to simply be rid of it. Start accepting its role in your life to give you strength and to arm you with comfort to share with others.

Kent Evans
Author of The Manhood Journey, co-founder of Manhood Journey and Father On Purpose.

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