I’ve been enjoying the book True Spirituality: Becoming a Romans 12 Christian, by Chip Ingram. In it, he talks about how important it is for us to discern our primary spiritual gifts. This is often uncharted territory for dads. And, that’s unfortunate, for two reasons. When we don’t understand our own giftedness, we have a harder time finding our role in His body. We run from one job or volunteer role to the next, always feeling unfulfilled, unused and unmotivated. We’re super busy, but, not experiencing the joy that can come from operating within our gifts. And, if we don’t know our own gifts, we usually aren’t equipped to help others (like our kids!) know theirs. Check out Chip’s free audio message on discovering your primary (scroll to Self-Assessment > How to Discover Your Primary Spiritual Gift). 1 Peter 4:10 exhorts us, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”. Do you feel like you, your wife, or your kids have a good handle on their primary spiritual gift?
I Want to Pray for My Wife: Prayer is one of the greatest gifts one human being can offer another. Unfortunately, many men struggle to share this gift with the person closest to them: their wife. Godly marriages include husbands who consistently lift their spouses to God. If you’re wondering how to get started, we have a few ideas that can help.
Jerrad Lopes: Feeling Dad Tired: If you’ve ever felt worn out as a dad, you’re not alone. Every man who’s ever taken on the role of dad has wondered if he has what it takes to make it work. Jerrad Lopes is a dad who understands those feelings, which is why his experiences led him to start the Dad Tired Podcast. In today’s episode, Jerrad shares from the heart about the ups and downs of dad life and how God has used those times to shape him as a father and as a believer.
“By grace I understand the favor of God, and also the gifts and working of his Spirit in us; as love, kindness, patience, obedience, mercifulness, despising of worldly things, peace, concord, and such like.” – William Tyndale
“If others don’t use their gifts, you get cheated, and if you don’t use your gifts, they get cheated.” – Rick Warren
“Your greatest fulfillment in life will come when you discover your unique gifts and abilities and use them to edify others and glorify the LORD.” – Neil T. Anderson
Unwrap His gift. This week, consider spending some time diving into the topic of spiritual gifts with your kids and your wife. Make sure you know what some of yours are, even your primary ones. Help your kids see theirs. This is not about just wiring, talents, genes or abilities. It’s about what God has supernaturally enabled you (and those you love) to do! Our churches, cities and nations need you doing the unique work God gave you to do! Do it, and help others find their way!
Kent Evans
Author of Bring Your Hammer, co-founder of Manhood Journey
P.S. Was this Mountain Monday helpful? Tell me if you love it, hate it, or if there’s something you’d like in the next one.
Forward this to a dad you know who needs some encouragement.