There are fathers all over the nation who need the tools and resources Manhood Journey is producing. We hear it all of the time.  It seems from feedback that you need Manhood Journey. Now, Manhood Journey needs you. Help us by supporting our ministry for dads that helps fathers all over the nation love God, and their families, well.


From our survey responses, to our online feedback, since we started asking this question just a few months ago, we’ve had 1,000+ of you answer this question:


What’s the #1 single biggest challenge facing you as a dad right now?


You can only imagine the types of responses we’ve seen to this question. We hear from you daily—moms and dads—everything from deep, serious issues with your children, to simpler things like learning to lead a Bible study in your home.


We get 5-10 replies every day to our question. This is a sampling of typical feedback we receive daily from readers like you:

  • “Feeling like I have failed my kids.” —David
  • “I‘m not a dad…I’m a mom. Dad is deceased and I’m a single mom raising boys! Please help!” —Christian
  • “A 16-year-old daughter and a 21-year-old son who both act like they are 14.” —Shaun
  • “Raising three pre-teen and teenage girls. Nuff said.  : )” —Jim
  • “Disobedience of my son and talking with arrogance.” —Provashish
  • “How can I protect my kids from pornography?” —Carlos
  • “I don’t know where to start. I didn’t have anyone growing up to be a dad to me.” —Gichuru

It seems to me, because I see every one of these answers as they come in—all throughout every day—that dads and moms need Manhood Journey.


Watch Kent Evans, founder of Manhood Journey, tell you more about our ministry for dads.

Cant view the video? Click here.


  • Have you been encouraged by a blog post in 2017?
  • Has one of our videos spoken to you?
  • Did our eBook give you some ideas on how to be a better dad?

Would you consider financially supporting Manhood Journey and the work we do at this ministry? Pray and consider giving monthly.  Could you give $5 or $10 per month?

It seems from the feedback we receive daily that you need Manhood Journey. Well, now, Manhood Journey needs you. Please consider helping Manhood Journey help more dads in 2018. Visit to give.

Any help you can give toward our ministry for dads will help us as we try to bless them and their sons. Jump on board and give today and you’ll help parents and families across the nation. Thank you and God bless you on your Manhood Journey.  




Ryan Sanders is the Director of Outreach at Manhood Journey. Ryan is married to Tonia and they have two daughters and one son. He lives in Reston, Virginia and serves at McLean Bible Church as a regional leader. Learn more about Ryan here and find him on Twitter @RyanSanders.

