Men need other men to lift them up and hold them accountable. Leaning into men’s ministry resources within the context of a solid local church helps makes that happen. Of course, men’s resources are not the only way guys can sharpen one another, but it’s a proven method that has stood the test of time. It has a history of making a huge difference in the lives of guys wrestling with marriage, fathering, and manhood.
Proverbs is a book filled with the kind of everyday common sense that Christian guys need in this world. Covering topics like marriage, parenting, finances, and faith, Proverbs has a lot to say to us. And one of the most important things it tells us is that “iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17).
Why We Need Men’s Ministry
Guys have a reputation for keeping to themselves and stuffing emotions down as far as they will possibly go. While that image might be a little overblown or stereotypical, it’s true that many men aren’t as outgoing and sociable as their female counterparts. For whatever reason, a lot of us find it harder to connect, especially with other guys, at a heart level. It’s tough to be transparent, and trust doesn’t come easily.
Men’s ministry resources help break down those walls and create “safe zones” where guys can be honest about who they are. They can talk openly about their struggles and fears because they know the other guys in their group are dealing with similar challenges. That’s what makes men’s ministry so powerful, and the best men’s ministry resources create those environments.
6 Men’s Ministry Resources for Discipleship
I remember, as a young husband and dad, attending huge men’s ministry events with my brothers-in-law. These conferences, sponsored by Promise Keepers, were my first real exposure to men’s ministry. Those large stadium events were great and really helped me bond with my in-laws.
But, over time, I also got to experience the power of smaller men’s groups in my local church. The resources highlighted below are designed for that kind of experience. Whether you’re a leader in your church or a man looking to connect with brothers in Christ, these ministry resources for men offer encouragement and inspiration for you and the guys in your sphere of influence.
1) Manhood Journey
The Christian life is a journey. And for Christian men, the journey toward biblical manhood can be challenging and difficult. That’s why Manhood Journey is committed to walking alongside husbands and fathers with a variety of Bible reading plans and men’s ministry resources, including a great selection of 1-on-1 guides and digital group studies that can be used in church-based men’s ministries. Topics covered include purity, leadership, work, temptation, and personal finance—all considered from a biblical perspective.
2) BetterMan
Ready to become the man God made you to be? BetterMan is a group study consisting of weekly video teachings and group discussions that provide a clear definition of biblical masculinity and practical ways to make your marriage, parenting, work life, and relationship with God — everything — better. Learn more here.
3) Kingdom Men Rising
For decades, Dr. Tony Evans has been a powerful voice for the gospel and for men. In addition to serving as founder and pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Dr. Evans has been a prolific writer, creating dozens of books and Bible studies. “Kingdom Men Rising,” published by Lifeway, is an eight-session study that addresses what it means to be a godly man, while challenging guys to fight the pull of toxic masculinity. Additional Kingdom-based resources can be found at Dr. Evans’s website.
4) Stepping Up
CRU, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, has a long history of sharing the gospel and equipping believers around the world. One of its ministries, Family Life, provides support for couples and parents struggling on the home front. The organization’s contributions to men’s ministry resources include “Stepping Up.” Based on Dennis Rainey’s book of the same title, the 10-session Stepping Up study brings a host of respected men’s ministry voices together to help Christian guys step up with courage in a world that would rather tear them down.
5) Authentic Manhood
One of the small group studies I mentioned earlier was the classic men’s ministry resource, “Men’s Fraternity.” A few years later, I had the chance to work through several resources for men from “33 The Series.” Both fall under the umbrella of Authentic Manhood. Each study encourages men to reject the passivity so common in our society and to move consistently toward authentic, biblical manhood.
6) Christ Led Communities
“Deeper” is a buzzword around Christian circles, including resources for men’s ministry. If you’re looking for a men’s resource with depth, you won’t find any deeper than Christ Led Communities (CLC). The group’s core program, called “All In,” is a two-year, small group commitment that includes outside readings, Scripture memory, prayer, and group meetings. Each “All In” group is limited to 8-12 guys with a pair of facilitators. Programs designed for fewer men—but with the same level of high expectations and commitment—include “Next Steps,” “Getting Real,” and “Elbow to Elbow.”
Men Can’t Do It Alone
Of course, this list of men’s ministry resources is far from complete. But it should give you a sense of two truths. First, men’s ministry is important. Guys need a place where they can connect, where the iron really can sharpen the iron. When it comes to being the man God created you to be, mentors are a must. And men’s ministry opens that door.
Second, you are not alone. The sheer number of available resources for men’s ministry speaks to the need for guys to walk alongside other guys. The enemy would love nothing more than to isolate you, to leave you feeling like the gazelle separated from the herd. Men’s ministry puts you knee to knee and heart to heart with other men—men who are struggling just like you.
In a world where the closest some guys get to bonding is high-fiving a random stranger at a ballgame, Christian men need men’s ministry in the local church. Thankfully, solid men’s ministry resources can give you the courage you need to step out of your comfort zone and walk with guys who will have your back.
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