Okay, maybe our kids have shoes. But, we still need your help. Please consider to give to Manhood Journey. Here’s why we need your help.


Our last post was serious, so we decided have some fun with this video. See Kent Evans, founder of Manhood Journey, along with his youngest son (Kent has five sons—that’s a lot of shoes). 


Cant view the video? Click here.


I mentioned in my post last week that we average 5+ answers to this question every day.

What’s the #1 single biggest challenge facing you as a dad right now?


Here’s another sampling of feedback we receive daily from readers like you—from those who download our tools:

  • “Not feeling adequate as a spiritual leader.” —Andrew 
  • “That children still go to church and love God after university.” —Li
  • “Making the most of my time with my kids.” —Brett
  • “I don’t know how to be a godly father.” —Michael
  • “Carving out intentional time with four kids who are active in sports.” —Bryce  

Fathers across the nation are using the tools and resources Manhood Journey produces. We hear from you daily—moms and dads—everything from deep, serious issues with your child, to learning to lead a Bible study.


So, I ask you again:

  • Have you been encouraged by a blog post this year?
  • Did one of our tools, like our eBook, help give you ideas for how to be a better dad?

Why help Manhood Journey?

Because we want to reach more dads in 2018. We see the need and the need is great.


No, maybe our kids don’t need shoes. But, this ministry has expenses we need to cover in 2018. And with your help, we can. We would be grateful for you to consider financially supporting this ministry? Pray and consider giving monthly.  Could you give $5, $10 or $20 per month?

Visit ManhoodJourney.org/DONATE to give. Thank you and God bless you on your Manhood Journey.  






Ryan Sanders is the Director of Outreach at Manhood Journey. Ryan is married to Tonia and they have two daughters and one son. He lives in Reston, Virginia and serves at McLean Bible Church as a regional leader. Learn more about Ryan here and find him on Twitter @RyanSanders.