If you want to see how our culture views the importance of fathers in society, just take a look at television and movies. Dads were once elevated as wise and loving role models, they are now more likely to be portrayed as foolish and lost. On one end, they are bumblers who don’t have a day’s worth of common sense. On the other end, they are manipulative abusers who will do whatever they can to get their way. Even worse, in some cases, fathers are nowhere to be found at all.
Whatever the case, it’s not a pretty picture. It’s also not an accurate portrayal of what genuine fatherhood means.
For decades, research has consistently affirmed the importance of fathers. What’s more, academic studies and anecdotal evidence have emphasized the damage done when fathers don’t step up and fulfill their family responsibilities.
So, let’s take a few minutes to set the record straight. Fathers are incredibly important. In fact, the importance of dads really can’t be overstated. And, among all the reasons why the world needs involved and active dads, one stands out as most vital to families and society.
Dads and God
Fathers have a lot of responsibilities that make them important, but none is more significant than the role they play as the primary spiritual leaders of their homes. From ancient times, God has called dads to talk to their children about Him and to lead them toward Him in a meaningful way. Of course, that does not diminish the role and influence of mothers, but the Scriptures seem to emphasize fathers.
In addition, children often define their heavenly Father through the filter of their earthly fathers. If the human relationship goes south, it’s harder for kids (and, later, adults) to believe God really cares about them and wants the best for them. The power of projection is real, which makes the way a father approaches his spiritual role so important.
What Makes Dads So Important
Thankfully, a dad who takes his spiritual obligations seriously is more likely to take other roles and responsibilities seriously. In the list below, I’ve identified five additional areas of influence that underscore the importance of fathers.
Fathers set the tone.
The importance of fathers can be seen through the spirit cultivated in their own homes. Through their words, actions, attitudes, and priorities, dads create a culture. In the best cases, that culture will be open and loving. In the worst cases, it will be marked by fear and repression. While each person is responsible for their own actions, dads set the tone for the rest of the family.
Fathers influence identity.
All children long for acceptance and affirmation, especially from their fathers. Encouragement can raise kids to incredible heights, while disapproval (or even the perception of disapproval) can be devastating. When it comes to shaping identity, the importance of dads can’t be overstated.
On one hand, boys look to their fathers to learn how to be a man. On the other hand, girls look to their fathers to set the standard for other significant men in their lives. The way fathers relate to their kids goes a long way toward determining how those kids develop mentally, emotionally, and (as mentioned above) spiritually.
Fathers establish discipline.
Fathers are important because they provide an example of good discipline. While husbands need to work in conjunction with their wives on matters of discipline, they should never abdicate their role in setting boundaries and enforcing consequences. Also, children who are disciplined with love (rather than anger) learn to deal with rules better as adults.
Of course, the key to disciplining children is learning to discipline yourself first. Thankfully, Scripture can provide great insights into both sides of this discipline equation.
Fathers nurture security.
Often, children get into trouble at school or in the community because they struggle to feel a connection at home. In many cases, they don’t experience the comfort that comes from a father who intentionally provides a sense of security. Kids need to know that dad has their back.
Interestingly, the best ways dads can offer this security have nothing to do with tough talk or aggressive actions. Instead, they communicate security through things like physical affection and a healthy relationship with their spouse. When kids experience these elements at home, they don’t need to look for security anywhere else.
Fathers provide for families.
In one of his last known letters, Paul told his friend Timothy that Christian men who did not provide for their families were worse than men who claimed no relationship with God at all (1 Timothy 5:8). While such men might have eternal security in Christ, God will hold them accountable for shirking the responsibility He has given them to care for their wives and kids.
But we also need to remember that the importance of fathers in this arena is not limited to financial concerns. Healthy dads know how to balance work and family time. This also has the added benefit of teaching kids about the value of hard work, while reminding them they are not defined by a job or position.
Every Intentional Father Matters
When you consider the importance of fathers in our society, you might feel a little overwhelmed. That’s understandable because it’s a really big job. But you also need to understand that you are not alone. Organizations like Manhood Journey have a variety of resources that can equip you to be the man and father God has called you to be. What’s more, you can find other men who are going through the same struggles and want to make the same positive impact on their children’s lives. You can learn and grow together.
Most important, you have the blessing and support of your heavenly Father. He created you and He loves you more than you can imagine. He wants you to succeed, and He’s standing ready to guide and direct you.
Fathers are important. God says so. Research affirms it. The commitment you make to become a living example of the importance of dads in our society will speak volumes as well.
Not sure where you’re headed as a Godly Father? Take the Godly Dad Quiz to see now.