Being a dad comes with all kinds of blessings and privileges. Sure, the going can be rough at times, but nothing outweighs the pure joy of connecting with your kids and seeing them grow into the people God created them to be. One of your greatest opportunities as a father is learning how to lead a child to Christ. There is no greater honor than sharing the gospel and watching your son or daughter give their life to Jesus.
It’s an incredible experience and a responsibility you can’t take lightly.
A Couple of Things to Remember
If you’re wondering how to lead a child to Christ, you’re not alone. For many of us dads, the thought of sharing our faith with our own flesh and blood can seem overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to remember two things starting out.
First, this is God’s work, not your own. While the stakes might feel higher because it’s your kid, He is still the Author of salvation. Your primary job is faithfully pointing your child toward Jesus through your words and actions.
Second, you are the perfect person for this job. You’re not perfect, of course. No one is. But you are the right man for the job because God has placed you in this home with these children. He has always known that you are precisely the dad these kids need—and the best one for leading them to Christ.
Six tips for leading a child to Christ
With that foundation laid, you can start focusing on how to lead a child to Christ. Honestly, every kid is different, even within the same house. And every kid will respond differently to the movement of the Holy Spirit in their lives. That means you have to pay attention and listen to what your child is saying about a relationship with Jesus.
The list below includes six tips for leading a child to Christ. They are broad enough to apply in most situations. They also are simple enough to empower you to embrace this incredible opportunity.
1. Meet your children where they are.
In figuring out the best way to lead a child to Christ, you’ve got two basic possibilities. Some kids take time to process the gospel. They think through every step, so leading them toward Jesus looks like an ongoing conversation. If that’s your child, nurture the conversation and look for teachable moments when you share another bit of truth with them.
For other kids, the gospel strikes like a bolt of lightning. They only need to hear the truth once to understand and embrace it. If that sounds like your child, be prepared and take advantage of the moment God provides.
2. Make church a part of your routine.
Let’s be clear, going to church does not earn God’s love. He already loves us more than we can imagine, which won’t change. But kids raised in church have a much better chance of responding to the gospel when they hear it.
What’s more, church activities provide great springboards for spiritual conversations. For example, you can build on something they discussed in Sunday school. That conversation could open the door for leading your child to Christ.
3. Focus on making faith stick.
In Matthew 13, Jesus told a story about four different types of soil. Seed landed on each spot, but only one soil produced a lasting harvest. As a dad, you want your child’s heart to receive the gospel in a way that takes root and produces fruit.
Honestly, it would be easy to scare or manipulate a kid into making a decision. But that decision isn’t likely to run deep. Instead, explain salvation as the start of something great that lasts a lifetime, not an end unto itself. If your child sees it from that perspective, their faith will be more likely to “stick” into adulthood.
4. Use a resource.
As you think about how to lead a child to Christ, one big concern may be saying the wrong thing or leaving out something important. If so, don’t be afraid to use a book or other resource to help you guide your child toward Jesus.
If you’re raising young men, explore 1 on1 bible studies that spark biblical conversations for you and your son. This is an easy way to lead your boys to Christ.
For example, the workbook What Is a Christian leads children through all the major topics related to salvation, such as sin, Jesus, heaven, and even baptism. This resource, published by Lifeway, allows kids to work through their questions as parents walk with them on the journey.
5. Create a support network.
One great thing about the body of Christ is the built-in support system it provides. As you focus on how to lead your child to Christ, enlist people to stand with and to pray for you.
Start with your family and friends. From there, expand the circle to people like your pastor and your children’s minister. Include anyone who shares a love for your child and a desire to see them come to know Christ personally.
6. Pray.
I once heard that nothing of eternal value happens apart from prayer. And leading a child to Christ definitely falls into the category of “eternal value.” While it might seem like such a simple step, prayer is the most powerful weapon in your spiritual arsenal. Use it often.
Pray that your child’s heart will be open to Jesus and that they will have the wisdom and courage to confront whatever fears might hold them back. Pray for yourself and for others who can reinforce the truth your share.
When it comes to leading a child to Christ, prayer is the glue that holds everything together.
Start Leading Today
Research tells us that people are more likely to accept Christ as children. Of course, that doesn’t mean teenagers, college students, and adults never come to Christ. But it does emphasize the importance of beginning the gospel conversation with your child as early as possible.
In order to lead your child to Christ, there really is no better time to start than right now. Your efforts today can resonate throughout eternity.