Over 4,000 DADS



All godly fathers have seven behaviors in common. The Godly Father Assessment helps men discover where they are now and how they can gain ground in these areas.


Our Godly Father Assessment helps you which of the 4 stages you’re in so you can know where you are now. We help you understand the 7 behaviors on how to be a good dad so you can make meaningful progress on your journey to become a godly father.

It’s free, confidential, and you get recommended next steps as soon as you’re done.
Find out exactly where you are & what tools you’ll need.


Once you’ve completed the 28-question survey, you’ll land on a page with customized results and recommendations. The resources might be a video, blog post or a book that will help you take the next step in your godly fatherhood journey.

4 Stages To Being A Godly Dad

You may be just starting out on your road to godly fatherhood, or you might be a seasoned veteran. Do you really know how to be a good dad like God calls you to be? This assessment will help you figure out what stage you’re at in each of the behavioral areas.

New Traveler

I’m just embarking as a dad and want to head in the right direction.

Capable Navigator

I’m navigating fatherhood’s challenges, but want to be more skilled.

Road Warrior

I’ve learned my way around and look to master the habits of fatherhood.

Tour Guide

I’m discipling my own kids and helping other dads find their footing.

Do you know how to be a godly dad? These 7 behaviors will guide you.

Behavior 1: Trust God

Knowing how to be a good dad means trusting God. What are you trusting in? Is it God? How do you know? Does your compass point true north? You might be a brand new believer or maybe you’re a veteran who routinely ventures into unknown territory. Find out not just if you trust God—but— where you might improve in trusting Him.

Behavior 2: Know Scripture

A godly dad knows Scripture. Does the Bible intimidate you a little, or are you able to apply God’s Word quickly and fittingly to everyday situations? We know that Bible knowledge is a vital tool in your “how to be a good dad” toolbox. Let’s assess how much you point your family to the Bible so you can gain confidence in this area.

Behavior 3: Pray Fervently

The good and godly dad prays fervently. Are you the dad who prays over dinner? Or, are you the dad who has an ongoing conversation with God? Our prayer lives can guide or hinder our fathering. Find out if you’re a new traveler or more of a tour guide when it comes to prayer.

Behavior 4: Build Relationships

Good dads builds relationships. Maybe you’re the dad who has to be forced to hang out with friends. Perhaps you could be the guy who seeks out other men for mentoring. It’s vital you know where your relationships are so you’re not going it alone. Find out now.

Behavior 5: Serve Others

Knowing how to be a good dad means serving others. Are you the dad who’ll jump in and help if asked? Awesome. But, what about proactively seeking out ways you can serve? Where are you on the “serving others” spectrum? Yes, there’s a spectrum. We’ll show you! Know where you are and how you can go from selfish to selfless.

Behavior 6: Steward Resources

The good dad stewards resources well. Are you known as the budget guy when it comes to spending? What about how you manage your time? Whether you’re the guy who gives your money and time freely or not, find out where you are and where you should try to head off to next.

Behavior 7: Make Disciples

The godly dad makes disciples. Do you notice the folks who are struggling? Maybe you’re the guy who is “sending” other dads off to help more guys like the ones you just helped become good dads. Sweet! No matter where you are right now, find out where you should be and how to get there.