Has Manhood Journey helped you? If you’ve been blessed by the ministry of Manhood Journey, would you consider donating to this ministry financially? Watch the video in this post and hear from Kent Evans, founder of Manhood Journey, as he asks you for something personal and important.
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Getting Manhood Journey resources created, produced and shipped all around the country—and even in foreign countries—isn’t free. We also have two full-time staff and operational expenses.
Here’s the thing: Maybe you’ve been blessed by a blog post, an eBook, video or maybe one of our 1 on 1 or Group Guides. As Kent points out in his video, these things do not write themselves. We need more money and time to keep producing helpful resources like these for more fathers. So, would you consider donating to Manhood Journey on a monthly basis?
I mentioned in my post last week that we average 5+ answers to this question every day.
What’s the #1 single biggest challenge facing you as a dad right now?
Here’s the types of responses we receive daily from readers like you—from those who download our tools:
- “I don’t know how to be a godly father.” —Michael
- “Are my kids too far gone?” —Leon
- “Worrying that I’m screwing up every day as a dad. Hating it when they don’t see me at my best.” —Greg
- Ability to discern what is going on in their world and have relevant answers for communicating with my teenagers. —Brian
- I feel like no matter what I do ends poorly and I continually am to blame. —Kevin
- I don’t know how to lead my children and wife. —Nick
We receive these types of responses every day! Fathers across the nation are using the tools and resources Manhood Journey produces.
So, I ask you one last time:
- Did you download the State of Biblical Fatherhood report?
- Did one or our events inspire you to be a more godly father?
- Have you been encouraged by a blog post this year?
- Did one of our tools, like our eBook, help give you ideas for how to be a better dad?
Why help Manhood Journey?
Because we want to reach more dads in 2018. We see the need and the need is great. If you’ve been blessed by Manhood Journey, please consider helping us reach more dads.
Thank you for reading and following our ministry. We would be grateful for your financial supporting of this ministry. Pray and consider giving monthly. Could you give $10 or $20 per month?
Ryan Sanders is the Director of Outreach at Manhood Journey. Ryan is married to Tonia and they have two daughters and one son. He lives in Reston, Virginia and serves at McLean Bible Church as a regional leader. Learn more about Ryan here and find him on Twitter @RyanSanders.