Whether we realize it or not, God has placed a call on our lives as believers. Through the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), He has commanded us to get busy making disciples. For husbands and fathers, this includes the vital task of family discipleship, guiding our loved ones to grow in faith and follow Christ’s example.

While it might be tempting to think we have to travel to another country to serve God, He has given us a mission field much closer to home. For husbands and fathers, the job of making disciples begins under our own roof.

Defining Discipleship

In a nutshell, discipleship is the process of helping someone become more like Jesus. The term “disciple” means “follower” or “student.” Disciples connect with a teacher they trust and want to emulate. In this case, Jesus is the Master Teacher, and we strive to learn from Him and live out His message each day.

By practicing family discipleship, we are guiding our wives and kids toward a deeper relationship with Jesus. That begins by accepting His offer of salvation through His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Jesus came to earth to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10), so we really can’t be His disciple—or begin the process of discipleship—without embracing Him as our Savior. 

If you need to take that step yourself, talk with a friend or mentor who can show you how to make that happen in your life. If your wife or kids need to take that step, begin praying now for opportunities to help them begin their discipleship journey through salvation.

The Importance of Family Discipleship

Admittedly, the idea of discipling our family members might be a foreign concept to many guys. Maybe your weren’t raised in a Christian home. Or, maybe you were, but family discipleship was not a priority. So, you’re not completely sure how to disciple your family or if it’s even worth the effort.

Well, I agree that discipling our families can be hard and could feel awkward at times. It’s countercultural, which makes it a challenge. But I absolutely believe it’s worth the effort. And here are five reasons why family discipleship is so important.

Every Christian Needs Discipling

We’ve already pointed out that Jesus commanded His followers to make disciples throughout the world. And while many will reject His offer of salvation, everyone who does accept Him needs to be discipled. That includes the members of your family. When it comes to family discipleship, you need to see them as more than your spouse and kids. You need to see them as your brothers and sisters in Christ. And, as the one closest to them, you have an incredible opportunity to teach them and to show them what it means to reflect Jesus each day.

It’s Your God-Given Responsibility

In Deuteronomy 6, Moses gave the Israelites what is known as the “Shema.” It’s a confession of the unique nature of God and His right to all worship and praise (vv. 4-5). Then, he commanded the people—particularly the fathers—to share this truth with their children (vv. 6-9). So, early on, God established the role of fathers as the primary spiritual mentors of their families. That doesn’t mean wives and moms don’t have a role to play, but it does mean dads hold a special accountability as the heads of their homes. It’s part of the stewardship for which Christian husbands and dads will give an account one day (Romans 14:12).

You Have Unique Opportunities To Disciple Your Family

As mentioned earlier, no one is closer to your family than you are. As a result, no one is more qualified to make disciples within your family as you are. It might involve structured time (like family devotions) or it could be through spontaneous teachable moments; but God has given you a lifetime to invest in your family’s discipleship process.

Having said that, the time to start discipling your family is now. The years pass quickly. You will never stop being their husband and dad, but the window when everyone is living under the same roof can be pretty small. Like singer/songwriter Wayne Watson has noted, the “watercolour ponies will one day ride away.” Make the most of your family discipleship opportunities while you can.

This Is How You Build A Legacy Of Faith

Everyone wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves. For men of God, that means building a faith-based legacy that will span multiple generations. That’s a great desire, and it’s biblical (Psalm 79:13; 145:4). Just remember that the legacies that reach tomorrow are built on the foundation of today. We set our families up for spiritual success in the future by discipling them in the present.

Discipling Families Enhances The Role Of The Church

It’s tempting to delegate spiritual development to the church instead of learning how to disciple our families at home. But God designed the church to be a partner in ministry. Again, God has chosen you to be the primary spiritual mentor of your family. When you embrace your role, you allow the church to operate in its strengths, which makes it more likely that your wife and kids will plug in today and stay plugged in down the road.

Discipleship On Purpose

As you process the idea of making disciples under your own roof, you need to keep a couple of things in mind. First, make it a priority. Discipleship never happens by accident. Whether it’s growing as a disciple in your own right or leading your family members toward a deeper walk with Jesus, the process takes commitment. So, stick with it; and when things get tough, lean into God through prayer and Bible study. He wants this for your family, so He will give you the wisdom you need to make it work.

Next, keep the doors of communication open. Both Paul (2 Timothy 4:2) and Peter (1 Peter 3:15) urged their readers to be ready for any discipleship opportunities God brought their way. As a husband and dad, you’ve got to stay sensitive for teachable moments when they pop up. God will use you to make a huge difference in the lives of your family members, but you’ve got to be ready and be open to His leading.