Maybe you’re wondering, “Why is Kent Evans of Manhood Journey blogging about biblical resources for moms and daughters?” Allow me to explain.


For years, you’ve asked, “Fathers and sons, great, but do you have anything for mothers and daughters?” Well, now we do!


Imagine a place where mothers and daughters connect over a creative Bible study and learn to love God and serve others, all while worshipping, singing, doing creative crafts and maybe even swapping recipes.


Heart of Womanhood is the new mother-daughter ministry releasing the upcoming creative biblical resources to engage and encourage the hearts of mothers and daughters.  


We’re partnering to help launch a ministry called Heart of Womanhood by kicking off an online fundraising campaign to help accelerate some funding for creating these helpful biblical resources. We could use your help.


Here are three (3) ways you can help:

#1 Pray

We don’t want you to share or give before praying. We need your prayers to get this baby launched! I think God is up to something and we can serve the church and reach more families.
So, we’ll not only seek to reach fathers and sons with Manhood Journey, but now mothers and daughters with Heart of Womanhood.

#2 Share

This launch will perform best if you share it with folks you know. You probably know people – moms of daughters, women’s ministry leaders, caring grandmothers…anyone who cares about making sold out disciples of Jesus among the next generation of young women.
The key benefit of a crowd-funded launch like this is for us to reach more moms and daughters through our networks of folks we know. We’re grateful for any likes, shares or follows you can throw our way to help us get started.
How can you share?
    1. Share the Launch Page using the social media links at the bottom of the Campaign Launch page.
    2. Like, follow and share our page and posts from Facebook


#3 Give

Consider giving to this launch. You may already donate to Manhood Journey, and we’re not asking you to give beyond that.
But, if you’ve never given, or if you know folks who might want to support this project financially, now’s the time we need them to step in and help. We’ve boot-strapped this so far, and now we want to pour some gas on the fire.
Please visit our Heart of Womanhood Launch Page for more details on the launch and how you can help.


Anyone who gives $100 or more to this launch will get a free digital copy of all 6 of the Heart of Womanhood Portraits Study guides—an entire year of bible studies for moms and daughters!


Thank you for your prayers and support of this launch!  




Here’s the details you need:

What > Heart of Womanhood: biblical resources for moms and daughters.

When > Launch campaign runs from now through November 19, 2017.

Where > Visit our Heart of Womanhood Launch Page for details